Chapter 1

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Growing up in a hunter's family was nowhere close to being a normal life. Sure, you lived in a community, but it was filled with hunter's and their families. While you were learning your ABC's and 123's, you were also learning about the different types of monster's and how to kill them. School was not a place to socialize. There was no such thing as friends, and you never even dreamed of having a boyfriend. It was a strict life, one filled with rules and death followed you everywhere.

It was a different life. Many would call it child abuse, and in some instances, you could see where that would be true. Yours might not have been perfect, but your parents cared for you. Being a hunter, there was a certain community, a certain way of life that didn't make it easy to bring in strangers to the life. That's why, starting in the early 1900's, hunters started arranging marriages. With at least five different hunting communities country wide, it was the safest and wisest way to make sure that the hunter's legacy continued.

It became a ritual of sorts. When a girl turned twenty, her parents would take her to a different community, along with a wedding present of weapons, and other hunter's essentials. There, she would be married off to a man of the leader's choosing, sometimes never to see her family again. It had happened to your parents. Your Mom had come from the Upper East Coast community, traveling all the way to the Northwest community to meet your Dad. His parents had been long gone and he had been the ward of the leader until he came of age. In time, your parents came to love each other, and you hoped that would be your case as well.

You had just turned twenty, two days ago, and already your parents were driving across the country, heading to meet your future husband. He was from the Midwest community, one that you had heard nothing about. You didn't even know your intended's name, and you could only hope he was nice, and not one of those hunters that had turned mean and alcoholic already.

"Now remember Y/N, we will head directly to the lodge, where you will change into your dress, and walk down the aisle. Once the ceremony is over, we will leave, and you will move in with your new husband." Your dad said as he drove down the highway.

Turning in your seat, your Mom gave you a soft smile. She had always been your rock, the person you looked up to the most. It hurt, knowing you might never see her again. "Y/N, I know you're scared, and nervous. But I've heard about your intended. He's made quite the name for himself. I know this will work out for the best. Just relax, and smile, and things will go well."

By then, your Dad was pulling up to a huge fence, with guards stationed outside. It was much starker and military than the one you had left, and you were not ready to make it your home. Taking a deep breath, you waited as your Dad handed over the required paperwork. Driving through, you glanced around in dismay at all the stark, white homes, all square and the same. Heading farther in, you passed by a small dry goods store, a church, and a huge meeting hall. People were already congregating, watching as your parents pulled to the curb.

"Y/N, stick by me. Your Dad will handle the rest of the deal." Your Mom told you, taking your only bag, guiding you into the door on the side of the meeting hall. Down the hallway, she was guided to a door on the side, and you stepped in.

"I won't get to see him before the wedding?" You asked her, even though you knew the answer. But you were so nervous, not ready to marry a complete stranger.

"Honey, you know the rules." She apologized. "Now let's get you ready."

Reaching into the bag she carried, she pulled out your simple white dress, along with the thick veil that would cover your face until the last minute. Quickly changing into the outfit, you peered at yourself in the mirror. You had heard about regular weddings, where the girls got to pick out their own wedding dresses, and it was a fun and fancy affair. Nothing like the brisk, and plain ceremony you would have.

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