Untitled Part 29

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"What the hell?" I yelled into the phone, almost swerving into the other lane of traffic, my thoughts on what I had just heard and not on my surroundings.

"Dean, we thought something like this might happen," Cas continued. "Truthfully, I thought she wouldn't even make it out alive, so being his prisoner could be better."

"Cas," I warned, not wanting to deal with Cas' inability to sensor his news.

"Dean, I know you're upset, but this does seem like a better option than we could have hoped for. Now may I suggest that we meet together with Sam and talk about our next step. Have you heard from him yet?"

"No, not yet. I'll call him. Bobby had a little cabin not too far from Oklahoma City, and we can meet there."

Hanging up the phone, I quickly dialed Sam's number, a headache starting to pound behind my eyes. Why was nothing ever easy, I muttered to myself as I waited for Sam to pick up.

"Hey!" Sam answered, breathless.

"Did you get it?" I asked him.

"Yeah, finally. Had almost a dozen demons to get through, but they're all gone, and the shipment is taken care of," he answered, and I could just slightly make out the sound of a fire behind him.

"Good. Cas and I both got ours. But we need to meet at Bobby's cabin outside of Oklahoma City."

"Something go wrong with Y/N?" He asked, as my jaw clenched.

"You could say that. She was worried that she wouldn't make it out alive. But I guess Lucifer likes her enough that he kept her prisoner."

"Shit," Sam muttered. "I'm a half day out, but I'll get there as soon as possible. And Dean, we'll get her back."

"I sure hope so. Because I'm getting tired of having to share Y/N with Lucifer."

Your POV

Hours passed, and you found yourself getting claustrophobic in your room. Sure, it was spacious, containing plenty of books, and a TV with all the channels you could want. But you wanted to be out of here, with Dean once again.

Lucifer had said something about dinner, and you hoped he wasn't planning on having you stay in this robe during the meal. Opening the closet, you were dismayed to see it empty.

"You won't find anything in there," An accented voice announced, and you swirled around, the silk of the robe getting trapped between your legs as you took in the man who was currently standing by the door. "Lucifer has no need for a closet full of clothes. Not when he can snap his finger and get whatever he wants."

"Who are you?" You asked, noticing the bag in his hands.

"My name's Crowley, and I'm here to make sure you're presentable for tonight's dinner," he explained.

"Why are you helping him?"

"Because I value my life," he answered simply. "So if I want to live, I deal with Lucifer, until I can break free and become the King of Hell once again."

"King of Hell? I thought that Lucifer was the King of Hell." You argued, slinking back when the man's eyes flashed red, his mouth turning into a snarl.

"That stupid fallen Angel has never been the King of Hell," he spat. "And he never will be. Sure, the demons follow him like the stupid minions they are, but he doesn't care about them."

Opening your mouth to ask another question, he shoved the bag towards you. "Get dressed, he's waiting for you, and he doesn't like to wait."

"What if I don't want to have dinner with him?" You asked, starting to feel a lot like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. All you needed was the furniture to start talking.

"I don't think that's an option," he insisted, snapping his fingers and the silk robe was gone. In its place was a deep red evening dress. Hugging your body tighter than anything you had ever worn before, the sleeves hung off shoulder, the skirt going all the way to the floor with a small train behind. It was beautiful, and uncomfortable, and nothing like you would have chosen for yourself

Your feet were strapped into tall black heels, your hair loosely piled on top of your head. Crowley held out his arm, and you took it, knowing that in these tall heels you were going to be wobbly. Snapping his fingers once again, he guided you out of the door, into a hallway, and you took the opportunity to glance around, looking for any way out of here.

"I wouldn't bother," he whispered under his breath. "This place is sealed tight. I've been searching for a way since I came here."

Frowning, you let him guide you further down the hallway into the dining room. Black paneled walls, with deep red trim, a silver table was placed in the middle. Ebony wood chairs were placed around, the candelabra turned down low. Lucifer sat at the head of the table, wearing a pristine white tux with a red tie.

"Beautiful," he whispered, his eyes glowing red much like Crowley's had done. Tilting his head, a chair slid out beside him, and you sat down. Crowley stepped to the back as another Demon came striding in, carrying a tray full of covered plates. "I wasn't sure what you liked, so I hope this works."

Opening the lid, you saw crab, and lobster, along with potatoes, as well as a salad. "Now, I know I've talked about your weight before, but I thought for our first tonight together we could splurge."

"Lucifer, I really don't like how you talk about me like that," you told him, noticing how both Crowley and the Demon took a step back while Lucifer leaned back in his seat, steepling his fingers together. You knew you shouldn't talk that way to him, but you hated how he was treating you.

Long seconds ticked by, everyone waiting to see what his reaction would be. Almost ready to run out of the room, you froze when you heard him start to chuckle. "I like a girl with spirit," he laughed, everyone relaxing.

As quickly as you relaxed, he was out of his seat, his hand wrapped around your throat, his eyes once again glowing red. "But I don't ever want you talking back to me, understood?"

Nodding slightly, going faint at the lack of oxygen, you stared with fear into his red eyes, relieved when he pulled back. Taking deep, big gasping breaths, you watched as he stood up. "I'm very disappointed in how this turned out. Maybe after a day of no interaction, no food, you'll feel a little more civil towards me."

With that he turned and left, and Crowley came forward, taking you by the arm. Walking with you down the hallway, he winced at the purple marks already starting to form on your neck. "Why did you talk to him like that? He's freaking Lucifer!"

"I couldn't help it. Him bringing up my weight, again! I just snapped."

"Well, darling. Best not do that again, unless you want to lose your head," Crowley advised as he opened the door to my fancy little cage. Expecting him to stay in the hallway, I was surprised when he walked into the room with me.

"Here," he snapped his fingers and a pair of soft flannel pajamas magically appeared on the bed. "I know it's not Lucifer's type, but I think you could use some comforting."

"Thank you," you didn't know what to actually say.

"Look, I'm not normally this nice, but I have a feeling that you and I are in the same boat here. So," he spoke softly, glancing around. "I think I might have found a way out of here. And I'll take you with me. But only if you do one thing."

"And what's that?" You asked, wondering if this was all just a big trick.

"Let me help you and the Winchesters put Lucifer back in the cage. I can become King again, and everything will be right with the world. So, what do you say?"

"I say we have a deal," you answered, shaking his hand before he vanished, leaving you alone in the huge room, wondering how Dean was faring. You missed him terribly. 

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