"Pieck, don't kill him ! We need to get some information for him."

Something pierced between your ribs and it stopped very close to your right lung. You started coughing but you had to focus on something more important. Because escape was impossible when the Four legged titan held you in it's hand.

Y/N : *cough* You know Zeke ! I made a promise to kill you.

Zeke : How do you know my name ? Wait don't tell me that you are that anonymous titan I fought.

Y/N : I'm a man full of *cough* ...... full of surprises, you see !?

"You are a funny man but the funny ends here ! Now tell me everything you know or you can-"

You had no choice but to summon your titan Spartacus. But out of nowhere a hooded figure came for your rescue. Hooded figure sliced the four-legged titan's neck and landed on one of the tree branch. A woman with long, disheveled black hair and relaxed eyes came out of the four legged titan.

Zeke : *Growl* What's going on !? How many of you are hiding there !

And a familiar voice responded to Zeke "It's only me and I came here to rescue my Y/N." hooded figure took off her hood revealing her face.

"A-...Annie ???????!" Everyone was shocked to see her.

While they were dumbfounded after seeing her, Annie wasted no time and began her move she grabbed you and ran away.

"How could she betray from us ?" Reiner questioned.

But Zeke did not respond.


Reiner : Should we go after them?

Zeke : No you will just tire yourself.

Reiner : But they will report it to thei-

Zeke : Then it's good for us ! We will wait here. When all of them comes here we will finish our job and victory will be ours. Be assured Reiner !

"I see, general Zeke !" Reiner replied.

-Somewhere in Wall Maria-

You opened your eyes to see crying Annie holding your hands. You were on a cart but you couldn't see who was driving the cart.

"Why are you crying, Annie ?" You asked.

Annie : I thought you were going to die.

When you tried to move you felt great pain so you stopped. And you slowly moved your head to see your bondaged chest, you relaxed your head and asked Annie "What happened ?"

Annie : *Sob* You were stabbed by something in the chest, you were losing too much blood and I feared that you might die.

"But I'm still alive so don't worry." You rubbed her hand gently.

Y/N : By the way who is driving this cart.

"Captain !" Jean responded

"Jean ?!"

Armin : So you are still with us, Captain .

Y/N : Armin ?! What are you guys doing here ? What happened to Eren and the others ?

Jean : Mission was a success, sir.

Armin : We took down the Reiss family .

You looked at Annie asking was it true and she smiled nodded at you.

Y/N : So a lot happened in the past few days when I was gone.

Jean : You know Historia is going to crowned as the new Queen, of course she is just for the display. And Eren learned how to harden his Titan's body.

Jean : So Captain Y/N, what are you going do now ? Captain ? Captain ?

"He is already asleep." Annie said while stroking your hair.

??? : Wake up Y/N !!!

Y/N : *Panting*

Jean : Captain, we are back in wall Sina.

Levi : Historia is about to get crowned.

There was Erwin and Levi standing there analysis your injured body.

Erwin : I'm glad that you made it back alive.

Y/N : It's all thanks to Annie that I survived.

You heard the crowd cheering and celebrating. "Well anyway it seems like people are welcoming their new Queen." you said to Erwin.

Erwin : *Exhale* Indeed and things are starting to get in order.

Annie asked "But what about Reiner and Bertholdt ?" Their facial expressions quickly changed and Erwin replied "We will start our preparations tomorrow ! For the upcoming war."

-Few days later-

Annie : Are you really okay ? Your injury still isn't fully healed you know.

Y/N : Maybe my healing process is bit slower than you titan-shifters but i will be fine.

Y/N : Maybe my healing process is bit slower than you titan-shifters but i will be fine

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You knelt down on the ground and took out a little box from your pocket.

"I.... I'm not really sure what to do but Annie Leonhardt." You tried your best to tell but you couldn't your heart starts beating faster and your head starts to zone out.

Annie : *Giggle* Hmmmmmm ?

Phoenix : Shame, sir !

"Shut up, Phoenix !" You threatened.

"Annie Leonhardt will you ........... you marry ......... me ?" When you said those words you told yourself " Fighting against Quawers was far more easier than this."

Annie : Well you know Mr.Y/N I think I should discuss it with my Father. And OF COURSE I will dummy.

Y/N : Are you sure ? I am not that wealthy enough to give you riches, I'm not that talented like others, I'm not-

Annie : I don't care any of that ! Like you said everyone is unique so that's why I love you and YES ! I'm totally accepting your proposal you dummy.

Annie pulled your head to her chest and hugged you.

Y/N : I ...... I'm glad to know that I'm your dummy, my love.

And finally your lips met with each other. Leaving nothing but love.

End of chapter 28

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