T'Challa chuckles as you offer your hand to him and he takes it. You snap your fingers as a purple cloud covers you two, taking you to the palace.
"I think I found a cure but I still have to test it," Shuri says.

"Okay," T'Challa says and you yawn.

"Am I boring you?" Shuri says with a teasing smile.

"Nah. T'Challa here made me run three miles again. Wait, no six. He made me run back! What do I look like?"

T'Challa rolls his eyes as shuri laughs.

"My thighs are going to revolt if I do that again."

"King!" M'Baku booms and T'Challa jumps.

You groan as you look at M'Baku before laughing.

"What's going on?" Erik asks, finally coming to see why you are laughing so hard.

He notices the plant in M'Baku's hand and he quickly snatched T'Challa up.

"Get away from him you ape!" Erik snaps. "And me!"

You and Shuri are giggling as M'Baku grins.

"Scared Of catnip kitten?" He asks with a smile and you snort.

"T'Challa will chase a laser around."

"He does?" Shuri says and you nod, making her giggle.

"Guess Erik would react the same. They did take the same herb."

Erik shoots you a look of betrayal and you chuckle before taking the catnip from M'Baku.

"Enough M'Baku: you have terrorised the Panther and Jaguar Enough."

M'Baku pouts but hugs you making T'Challa frown. Erik notices and smiles at his cousin. So he does like you.

Shuri and Erik share a knowing look. They have to get you two together.

T'Challa just has to be normal size first.
T'Challa groans as he is forced to sit through another useless meeting. You rub his back before shooting W'Kabi an evil look as he opens his mouth.

"Say something dumb and I will castrate you."

His mouth snaps shut and T'Challa giggles as you give everyone a look.

"If we are finished, I call this meeting to an end," T'Challa says.

The members leave and Shuri walks over.

"I've found a cure!"

T'Challa smiles and you grin.
"Good to have you back cuz," Erik says as T'Challa walks into the study.


"Now...you and Zahra."

T'Challa blushes.

"I ain't going to tell her but M'Baku did ask me if she was seeing anyone and I told him she's feeling someone."

"Feeling?" T'Challa says confused.

"She has a crush."

"Oh. On who?"

"I don't know but I just told him so he would potentially back off. Now, you better hurry up and make a move."

"But how?"

"You know those morning runs?"


"Have a picnic waiting for you two when you get there. I'm sure she'll love that."

T'Challa nods and begins to make plans. Erik wonders how the hell T'Challa even managed to court Nakia: he's so clueless at times. But it's kinda cute how innocent he is.

Too bad Erik knows you are not that innocent. This is going to be interesting.
You really wonder why you wake up this fucking early to run with T'Challa. You blame your hormones: T'Challa looks Oh so good topless and running with sweat glistening. You watch his butt and lick your lips.

Oh yeah: it's your hormones. Totally not the crush you have.

"Keep up Zahra!"

"Oh fuck this."

T'Challa laughs as you run to catch up. You two reach the top and you blink. You see the blanket with food and drinks.


T'Challa smiles and motions you to sit down. You do and he sits with you.

"I never got to thank you for putting up with me when I was small."

"Oh it's fine. I'd do it for you again."

T'Challa smiles.

"It's also because...well...I like you Zahra."

You blink as T'Challa blushes and looks at the view.

"I've liked you for a while and I've been trying to ignore it because I didn't know if you liked me back. Erik pretty much threaten to tell you and I couldn't let that happen because what if—"

T'Challa blinks as you grab his face and kiss him. He kisses back, eyes closing as he kisses you.

"You are rambling."

He blushes before kissing you again. The sun is rising while you two kiss. You two break apart and T'Challa things you look breath taking in the rising sun.

"When we finish eating, I'll race you back to the palace," T'Challa says.

"I will teleport my ass back. Don't try me."

T'Challa laughs as he pulls you to his side and you two eat breakfast and enjoy the sunrise.

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