Clenny (1)

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Clyde's house had smelt of pure alcohol and sweat. Just hours ago the entire house was jam packed with a bunch of horny, know it all teens that had nothing better to do than risk their entire future by partying at a place that was serving alcohol.

One of those horny teens was Kenny; Kenny originally hadn't planned on going out to Clyde's huge birthday party bash until he had heard that his crush Butters, was going. It was a miracle to hear about the skinny young blonde going to something like this, so Kenneth just knew that he had to go. After all, basically the entire school was at Clyde's house. It was a true wonder why no police officer came over that night to check things out and make sure that they were alright. In all honesty, with the way that Clyde was celebrating the party, he mind as well have just invited the police officers.

The reason that the party was so monumental was the fact that Clyde had been nominated Homecoming King, yet again- for the second consecutive year in a row. The big boned brunette had always been big on his appearance, but this was so much more than just a mirror. He knew that he had a desirable body, and he wanted to show it off to the entire world. He was convinced that he would become a Playgirl model as he was such a flirt at the worst of times. Not that Kenny had ever minded, of course.

The night had been full of tons of drunk teens that had their tongues rather shoved down another person's throat, or down the inside of a beer bottle. Everyone was just determined to look their best in front of Clyde in even the slightest of hopes that they could get laid by him. Around South Park high, if you could say that you slept with Clyde Donovan and had proof, you'd become the most famous Kid around the school for an entire week. That was how much of a big deal Clyde was.

To Kenny, he had always dreamt of sleeping with Clyde Donovan, but he knew all to well that it would never happen. The two of them just weren't meant to be, at least, that was how the blonde had saw it. In his mind, he figured that Clyde was way too active for even him. Rumor had it that Clyde had even screwed an eighth grader behind the high school. Even worse than that, the brunette was even more of a fuck boy than Kenny. It was a shock to some, but Kenny had just learned to go with it (being second best).

You see, in their school, stealing people's virginities were like an individuals 'touch down' for social climbing. If you wanted to become well known, fast, then he just removed since Tylenol from some Virgins knees. Kenny and Clyde were always competing to find out which of them would win the game, but naturally, Clyde would win. If Clyde set his mind to something, he would never change it. He was about as bull headed as they came. That was another thing that separated him from the rest. Clyde was always one that went with what he believed in, of course, if the majority agreed.

When Kenny went to the party, he had expected to make a move on innocent Butters. For once, he was actually attracted to someone for more than just their body. Sure, Butters was petite and all, but it just wouldn't be enough to feed his everlasting hunger that would haunt over him. That night, however, everything had changed for the worst.

With so many people, Kenny wasn't able to find Butters to carry on with his plan. Kenny had wanted to finally confess his love for Butters and maybe even kiss him, but everything went downhill when he heard the familiar blondes normally innocent, sweet voice scream out in pleasure behind locked doors that belonged to Clyde's older sister. Kenny was crestfallen beyond repair, and ended up drinking away his pain. He drank and drank like no tomorrow. The more he drank, the more he was forgetting.

That was how Kenny had ended up in Clyde's bedroom when everyone was gone.

Kenny hid himself from the world around him. He didn't want to ever see Butters face again, since anguish surely would follow. Kenny had previously raced into Clyde's room to get away from everything, but had ended up falling asleep for maybe two hours.

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