"Jabari Update."

M'Baku raises an eyebrow.

"Really? Grey?"

"Grey blends in with the snow. I would know: my pops is from the Jabari tribe."

M'Baku blinks.

"Oh. He's the high priest right?"


"Why not white?"

"White would get dirty too quickly and if you have ever seen Jabari men fight: no one wants to clean white fur."

"We are not that bad Lady Dakarai."

"Yes you are Chief."

"Oh Chief M'Baku is there?"


"He can try the fur! And armour!"

M'Baku nods and you smile.
"Chief! You will break it!"

You huff as you fix the clasp and M'Baku shoots Shuri a smile who gives thumbs up. M'Baku finds you are beautiful and wants to court you.


"Yes Chief?" You ask, still busy making sure his fur and arm guards are secured.

"Would you like to have dinner together when you return home?"

You blink, looking up at your Chief.

"What? Me?"

"Yes, you."

"I...I...Why me? I'm so...average."

"No you aren't!" M'Baku snaps making you jump and blush. "You're beautiful Dakarai and anyone who sees you is blessed to witness such beauty."

"Chief you don't have to bullshit. I know I am average."

Shuri rolls her eyes.

"She will go to dinner with you. I'll personally see to it."

You glare at shuri but blush as M'Baku grins and hugs you. He removes the ring he is wearing and places it on your hand.

"I will see you soon. And this armour is perfect."

You blush and pray the floor swallows you whole.
You rub your neck as Shuri fixes your clothes. You are in a traditional Jabari outfit: fitted grey pants with a matching grey tube top. You have on navy blue boots and a matching choker with silver armbands and earrings. You're braids are down and you wrap the fur close around you.

"There! You look good!"


"You'll do Fine! Oh! The ring!"

Shuri holds up a silver chain with the ring. She puts it around your neck.

"Have fun!"

"I hate it."

You leave, making your way down the cleared path to your chief's palace. You pull the fur close as you say hello to other villagers.

Finally, you arrive and a servant escorts you to a room. There is a low table and pillows on the floor for you to sit on. You toe your boots off before sitting, the fur pooling around you as you look out the windows that show a view of the village.

M'Baku sees you and his breath catches. In the soft warm light of the room, you are breathtaking. He walks over and bends, kissing behind your ear making your jump.

"Hello, Dakarai."


"M'Baku. We are alone."

You blush as he sits across from you. He is in a navy blue outfit and his fur on his shoulders.

"Did you enjoy your trip?"

"It was fine. I slept most of the way here."

"Shuri is working you too hard?"

You smile.

"No. More like I can't sleep. Horrible sleep patterns."

"That technology is the cause."

You roll your eyes but smile as M'Baku grins. You two continue to talk.
You are leaning on M'Baku's chest, eyes dropping. He hugs you close, pulling you on his chest, wrapping his fur over you two. You nuzzle his chest relaxing in his warmth. M'Baku takes that time to rub his hands on your side.

You are snoring softly moments later and M'Baku smiles at you. He kisses your forehead before sleep claims him as well.

You wake up under M'Baku, his head on your chest, arms around your waist and the furs over both of you. You stroke his hair and he lets out a purr making you giggle as he groans.

"Why are you up so early azifu?"
(Azifu means cloud in Xhosa)

You blink as you blush before getting angry.

"Cloud? Why am I called cloud? What are you implying?"

M'Baku blinks before you push him off and stand.


"I'm going."

"Why? What's wrong?"

You walk off, your fur wrapped around you as you leave a dumbstruck Chief sitting there in bed.
"He called me a cloud?!" You snap, hugging.

"Maybe he was trying to be cute," Shuri said.

"Well it didn't work and I'm insulted. Clouds are big and fat and fluffy!"

"And you are fluffy!"


"Sorry! Dakarai I think M'Baku was trying to be cute."

You huff as you sit down. Shuri sees M'Baku enter the lab and points at you. He walks over.

"Lady Dakarai?"

You look up and see M'Baku standing in front of you.

"Chief M'Baku."

"Can we please talk?"

"Fine. Talk."

Shuri walks off and grabs T'Challa shushing him as they watch the lab.

"I offended you didn't I?"

You nod.

"I didn't mean to. I called you cloud because you are quite warm and fluffy."

You blush and huff.

"I'm not fluffy! I'm fa—"

"If you say you are fat I will make you run laps when you return to the village. In the snow."

Your mouth snap shut.

"Dakarai you are beautiful and yes you may be curvier than most women in our village you are perfect. It is simply more of you to love. And I want to be the one who loves you."

You blush. M'Baku pulls his fur off and wraps it around you. He cups your face, thumps on your lips.

"May I?"

You nod and he presses a soft kiss to your lips. You kiss back before he pulls away.

"My Azifu."

You blush but smile as he kisses your forehead.


"You're going to make me fluffier."

"And I will love you all the same. I take that as a yes."

"Yes. Dinner."

M'Baku smiles as he walks out, grinning at the siblings. He has his cloud.

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