Husband and Kids (Ulysses Klaue)

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The bar is dimly lit and you look at your phone as people talk and chatter around you.


"Yeah, who's asking—oh."

The man is tall, with maybe 2-3 inches on you. He is white and his hair is black, silver, and white. He has a tattoo on his arm that you can see and he's in all black.

"Ulysses. Nakia said you're my date."

"Yeah...nice to meet you."

"You as well. You look really good."

You blush.

"Thank you."

You two sit down.

"Whiskey on the rocks Matt," Ulysses says. "You want anything?"

"I just finished my drink."

"Which was?"



You laugh and Ulysses grins.
You and Ulysses enter your apartment. Panther meows and you kneel, petting him. Ulysses looks on the wall and sees the picture of you, Erik, And T'Challa visiting your family in Trinidad & Tobago last summer.

"Your boys?"

"Yeah. Erik and T'Challa. Erik is eight and T'Challa is seven."

"They're beautiful."

You smile.

"Most men dip once I say I have two boys."

"Nah, I love kids."

"So why don't you have?"

"Ex-wife didn't want."

"Ah. Tea?"

"I would love some."

He sits at the island and you proceed to make some tea. Ulysses watches as you make tea with the tea leaves.

"Wakandan spice tea."

"How did you...?"

"I dated a man from Wakanda. He would only drink that tea."

"My boys are from there."


You place the mug before him and he adds two sugar cubes. You sit next to him.

"Where are they?"

"By their aunt. I send them there to see her and to torture her husband."

He chuckles as he wraps an arm around your waist.

"I would love to meet them one day."

You smile.

"Maybe you will."

Ulysses grins.
"Baba! Baba! There's a man at the door!" T'Challa says.

"It's a coloniser!"

You swallow your laugh as you ruffle Erik's dreads and go to the door.

"Oh, Ulysses!"

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