Chapter 50

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Joan felt proud of her brother. He had done something wondrous today, and she could not contain her happiness.
She looked at Hugh who was sitting beside her in the carriage.
They both were going to Hugh's home to fetch Joan's purse which she had forgotten there.
"I'm so happy that everything is resolved" Hugh said and smiled.
Joan smiled back and the carriage stopped in front of Hugh's home.
"Come" Hugh said and led her in his house.
They both went to the drawing room to take her purse.
As Joan reached out for her purse, something struck him like a bolt.
He could do this. He could muster all this courage. He could say this.
Joan took her purse and she turned to leave.
But she stopped.
Stopped to contain her shock.
Hugh was on his one knee, with his hand hovering in the air towards her.

"Forgive me for yesterday. I never meant to say those words to you. I just told them to assure that your reputation is not ruined in any way.

And yes, you are not a burden in any way at all. And even if you are, you are one beautiful burden.

A burden, who I would love to marry, so that I can have her by my side throughout my life.

The moment you told me what your predicament was, I was grief-stricken. Because It would prove difficult for me to see you like that in such a horrendous conflict.

And you know why?
Because-because- I-I-I love you.

The moment I'd seen you, I was sure that I had fallen in love with you.

And you are important for me.

You are priceless. A gem.

You are beautiful.

And I was finding excuses to marry you, and when I'd got one, you had got really angry.

But it's obvious now that every fairy tale deserves a happy ending, and every woman, especially one with a beautiful heart, deserves the best proposal,so here I am.

Miss Joan Winset, will you marry me?"

Joan was sure that she had cried a river.

Her heart had exploded and her soul was set free.

Free to wander in the gardens of love.


I love you too, Hugh.

It was love at first sight, the moment I'd seen you.

And sorry, for being rude, I love you.

I've never loved a creature more.

I will marry you, and we will live the happiest life!"

They both embraced each other in a hug, and as the meager afternoon sunlight bathed the room in a pearly glow, they both came to know the strength of love, and also how they had drenched each other's shoulders with their glorious tears, that promised a lovely life ahead.

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