Chapter 14

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There is a moment in a woman's life, Joan thought when she's got to save her reputation from getting utterly ruined. That moment is so sharp, so deplorable, that the woman in question starts perishing in thin air, until the existential crises fades away. And then the woman starts coming to life. But until then, all is already dead. And then the woman's hopes die too.

This moment Joan thought must have surely come, in William's sister, Belle's life.

And being a woman herself , Joan could understand her pain, and feel it too.
That was probably the reason she stopped Lord Hugh from thrusting William into the gaol.
She knew what pain felt. She knew. Accurately.
Joan sat on her bed, with a mug of tea, and a plate full of biscuits.
Apparently pondering over the oddities in her life, again.
What had her life come up to?
And the main question was, what did she expect from life?
Joan bit into the biscuit, and thought about Lord Hugh. He was so concerned for her. He was ready to thrust some person with whom he had no grudge against, into a gaol.
He was too much off a gentleman. Joan could see it in his eyes. Could see that he cared for her so much. Even if they'd just met a day ago. But she knew it that something in his body burned for her. The moment he'd seen her in his drawing room so suddenly, in the the morning, the look on his face was something of solace. Something of happiness. Pure happiness. Ethereal happiness. He was glad, he'd found her, she knew.
Joan laid her back on the bed dreamily, and bit her lip smilingly. Hugh had told her today, that they were going to meet at the tea shop tomorrow. Joan was so excited.Surely he wanted to embolden their friendship. Or else, he wanted to embolden their.....
Joan thought with a sly smile, did Hugh love her the way she did too?

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