Chapter 11

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(Let's see who was there in the drawing room........)

Hugh blinked his eyes as he nearly shrieked, "YOU!"

Never in his life had he experienced such a twist. He felt his groin harden at the vision in front of him, and at the same time, his heart swirled in circles. The surprise made him bereft of strength and yet, he felt suffused with eternal bliss.

Yes, it was the lady from the last night.

It was no one but our dear heroine Joan.

Joan rose from the sofa and bobbed a curtsy, "Lord Hugh Ceevanford. I'm highly obliged to meet you!"

Hugh did nothing but stare at her. A man was never known for ladylike swoons, but Lord, he felt giddy. He had a million questions, that tumbled in his brain, and throbbed like the devil, and at such a time, how was he expected to look presentable?
What had come upon him was surely something maddening.

"I ah...Nice to meet you too", Hugh said with a bow.

He motioned for her to sit, and did the same, settling opposite to her.

"You? Um?" Hugh managed.

Joan nodded and said "I'm Joan lady who you helped last night..."

"Of which I'm aware" Hugh said, then asked "but,how did you come to know about me?"

"After my encounter with you, I went back to the ballroom. I told my cousin about you, as the one to aid in my endeavor.....and I described your face details....and my cousin promptly answered with your name and address. And here I am, to thank you."

Hugh smiled, "your cousin really is an intelligent woman."

Joan smiled back, "that she is."

Hugh could feel the strings of silence lacing them, and he decided to break the ice, "er...would you like some tea?"

Joan looked at him with an intensity that made his heart leap, she was beautiful, he thought. Her lips curled ever so slightly at the mouth corners, and tiny white lines were fanning out from the corner of her eyes, and those lines etched into her ears. Clearly, she was worried. But even her worry was exceedingly adorable, Hugh thought.

Joan shook her head.

Hugh bit his lower lip, "sorry, Miss Winset, but I have questions..."

Joan nodded, "about Sir William, right?"

Hugh nodded and coughed, "if you want to answer..."

"I should, instead, you were the one who helped me, you deserve to know the secret" Joan said.

Hugh looked unsure "you wouldn't like to share something so personal with a stranger, would you?"
Joan smiled, "you aren't a stranger to me."

Hugh felt his muscles tighten. What should he make of that, now?

What was he to her?

Did it matter? Of course it did-

And then she asked, "may I call you a friend?"

The Woman Of My Dreams ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz