Chapter 46

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Joan reached her home, and walked up to her room.

She took off her sandals, washed her face, and changed into something simpler.

And decided to relax on her bed.

She slept for a while and and then as she woke up, she opened her purse to take out her handkerchief-

and then she gasped.

She saw a recognizable red hued book-

It was Stephanie's diary!

How did it even land up in her purse?
Joan suddenly remembered keeping the book on the table hastily-

Yes, it must have fallen into her purse below by mistake.

Joan shook her head and kept it on her lap.                                                                                                              Should she open it?

Joan slapped herself for even thinking so, but opening it would not hurt right?

Of course, it would. It would hurt Stephanie's sentiments.

But, Joan thought, that Stephanie must have also written about the sad times when George had left her. And now, when Joan was going through the same phase, she could read Stephanie's diary to calm herself and acknowledge the fact that she wasn't the only person with a depressed heart.

With a lot of hope, she opened the diary and started reading.

The first few entries were normal.

Joan directly tried to open to the 'hurt' phase part.

Here it was-

Dear diary,

Many a times, a person thinks about her life.

Thinks about all those days where she lived a beautiful life with a beautiful man by her side. With a lovable significant other. 

She reminiscences all those days where she lived a fairy tale, playing the role of a princess throughout.

But little did that girl know that she wasn't the princess, she was doomed to play the role of that one servant in the tale, who just watches beautiful lives having beautiful days, but does not feel any of the bliss herself.

I am that servant.

And oh, by the by, did I just describe myself?

Tears welled up Joan's eyes. She kept on reading-

I am that one servant, who helps the princess reach her prince, but herself sits quietly, with a heart devoid of any hope of having a prince come to her.

When we read a happy tale, we always shift our focus on the princess and her prince, but anytime, does any of us ever think of the servants? What life must they be living? 

Even if they want, they can't have a happy life. They just get to witness one, but never can they feel the depth of love.

Enough of talking in terms of life.

Let's get to the point. 

George left me. He simply told me that he didn't love me anymore, or was forced to tell this to me.

Of course, didn't I tell you that poor people like me can never have happy endings?

I am a toy.

Use me or lose me.

But one can't choose me.

I am fragile. And how, beautiful people have beautiful lives?

The same way, a fragile person like me has a fragile life.

If a fragile toy, is played with too much, it would break from the excursions.

The same way, if a fragile life like mine, is given too much of love, it would break apart from not being able to handle the force of love.

Let me just say, my life itself hates me. I AM WRECKED!

Joan was struck.

The next three entries were similar, philosophical and sad.

But the entry after that was a bit different. 

That entry had a title, that read-


The Woman Of My Dreams ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang