Chapter 39

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Lady Rose laughed "I know that. Joan's a ninny head."

Hugh scrunched his nose and lied "that she is."

Lady Rose smiled "I see we are agreeing with each other, aren't we? Uh oh, I forgot to ask you! Would you like some tea?"

"Yes I would" Hugh said.

Lady Rose ordered for tea.

"Umm.....Lady Rose, can I ask you something?" Hugh said.

Lady Rose laughed "we are friends, go ahead."

Hugh's mouth twisted at the corners "Miss Joan and you, I mean you both made your debut at the same time in society, so umm, didn't you hate the fact that, you both would be compared? Like, you would be compared to someone who wasn't of your level? Didn't you feel like taking some revenge or action to eradicate a sissy like Miss Joan from your path? Because if I were you, I would have sur-surely done something like know..."

Lady Rose shrugged "you can call me generous. I didn't do any sort of a thing like that..."

Tea arrived till then.

"How do you like your tea, Lord Hugh?" Lady Rose asked.

"Milk, and two spoons of sugar, thank you" Hugh replied.

Lady Rose prepared his tea, handing it out to him and then prepared hers.

"But Lady Rose, do tell me, did you never get angry at Miss Joan?"

"Lord Hugh, how much ever one hates the Sun, would it stop rising each morning? It was the same with Joan. How much ever I hated her, she continued to grow popular due to her beauty. Her dumbness was concealed. I hate to admit, but I got a bit jealous, because she attracted more men for marriage than I. But anyway, I never had much time for thinking about how unlucky I was.

I was married within one month of my debut into society to Lord Jake, who even If was an Earl, was thirty years my elder. I was forced into this marriage by my parents, and I hated my life. I still do. Even after two years now, I am unhappy. We shifted to the country side after marriage and hardly came to London. Last year, I had not come to London even once. Now too, after ten days I am going back to the country, my stay in London now is over for the year."

Hugh frowned. Belle had made her debut last year, so practically a year after Joan and Lady Rose had made their debuts. So If Lady Rose was not present at the time Belle had her debut in London, there was no chance that Lady Rose had spread the rumor. Because if one wants to spread a rumor in London, they need to be present there at that time. Afterall, nothing spreads faster than a gossip in London.

Hugh sighed internally,taking a sip of his tea and mentally crossing out Lady Rose's name.

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