Chapter 36

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Hugh's eyes took a lot of time to adjust to the dimness.

And when he was finally able to see properly, he wished that his eyes never had recovered from the dimness, because what he saw was a scene that struck him as horror.

Joan was pinned against the wall, and William Billfield had a knife against her throat.

That was enough to strike Hugh's temper.

"Lord CeevanFord?" Billfield asked, squinting as he tried to readjust his eyes.

"Billfield put the knife down" Hugh ordered.

"Hugh!" Joan screamed with happiness "you are here!"

William, after understanding the relation, laughed.

"Lord CeevanFord .Brave man. But don't make the foolish move of attempting to lunge at me. I have a pistol too" William said.

"Billfield, Miss Winset is my friend. And hereby, I would not like to see her in this state, when she is guiltless of any fault" Hugh said.

"  now even the Earl of Whitsbury knows the issue of Belle's rumour. Miss Winset, you crookhead, how many of these comments do I need to hear because of you? I wish, I so wish, to slit your throat and-"

"Enough Billfield! I order you to release her right now" Hugh tempered.

"Lord CeevanFord, when you finally catch hold of the fish, do you release it? No, right? So why should I?" William asked.

"She is not guilty of being the culprit. Miss Winset is an innocent and she has not done anything" Hugh said.

"How do you even know?" William questioned.

"I trust her."

And that was enough, Joan thought, really enough, to entrust her soul in Hugh's hands. Hugh trusted her without even knowing her properly.

This was love, it had to be.

"Shut up!" William tempered "Lord Hugh, this world this does not simply run on trust, you see. I want proof, that is what I want."

"And what If I provide you with the proof, would you release her then?" Hugh asked, carefully.

William looked unsure. He frowned, but never did his grip on the knife at Joan's throat soften.

"This lady has ruined my sister Lord Hugh" William started.

"I have not!" Joan cried.

"And if I'm hating on her, you needn't interfere-"

"Just tell me. If I provide you with the proof, will you release her?" Hugh asked, once again.

"Without a doubt."

"Then it's final. I'll give you the proof-"

"Under fifteen days."

"Huh?" Hugh asked.

"In under fifteen days, if you don't provide me with evidence enough, I'll ruin her in the same way she ruined Belle" William announced.

Hugh didn't know from where he was going to get the evidence, but the confidence he demonstrated assured that he would do it.

"Yes" Hugh agreed.

William dropped the knife and shook hands with Hugh "so we are in a truce."

"Yes" Hugh said.

Hugh grabbed Joan's hand, leading her to the doorway.

"But what if you'll run away?" William asked from behind.

"Billfield" Hugh said, looking him straight in the eye "a gentleman never breaks his promise."

And then Hugh and Joan turned their backs to Billfield and left.

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