Chapter 41

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Joan walked up to her room after Hugh left, and called out for Ana, who came running to her.

"Ana, would you mind giving me a head massage?" Joan asked.

"Shall I make your hair too? come out of the coiffure.." Ana hesitated

Joan touched her hand to her head and realized that Ana was right "yes sure."

Joan sat at her dressing table, and Ana started undoing her hair.

Joan had always loved Ana's hand in her hair. It felt good to have someone tousle her hair, and then make it right.

It wasn't complicated like her life.

Joan sighed. Now she had to investigate Lady Linda.

Lady Linda?

Joan never really knew Lady Linda much.

She wasn't a mystery really, but really, what if she turned out to be the culprit?

Joan gulped and then got angry....

This Lady Linda must have been the one to ruin her life..
"I beg your pardon?" Ana said.
"Sorry?" Joan turned behind.
"I heard you say Linda Linda....." Ana said.
Joan cursed softly; at times her thoughts found their way to her tongue.
"No no, I was simply wondering about er.....she came into my dreams today...and I don't know I was know..." Joan lied.
"Oh" Ana said and gave a soft tug to the little braid, opening it completely "you know what, I used to work at Lady Linda's home earlier when she was unmarried. I was the lady's maid to Lady Linda."
Joan alerted "is it?"
Ana nodded and started messaging the back of Joan's head "can I confide something in you?"
Joan nodded "without a doubt."
"I actually never liked Lady Linda. She is very arrogant. She never really treated me generously like you did. I know that a maid should not expect much, but humanity should exist, right?" Ana said and shook her head disgustedly.
"Yes. Everyone deserves to be treated well enough. But do you think that she is capable of being cunning enough to take revenges? Umm.. I asked because in my dream, she had taken some revenge.....and err....they say right that dreams come true?" Joan asked.
Ana laughed "dreams don't really come true. And to top it off, Lady Linda might be arrogant, but she's not cunning. She's way too innocent to take any sort of revenge.
And and..."

Ana started hesitating, and Joan frowned.
"What is it Ana?" Joan asked.
"Please don't tell this to anyone. But, Lady Linda is an illegitimate child. She was accepted in the family by great begging from her mother's side, and with great reluctance and difficulty. If she would take any sort of revenge, than it would backfire as her secret would be spilled too. This is London, and Lady Linda has to play it safe, any wrong step, and her own reputation would get spoiled. Illegitimate children are not accepted into society easily, and no one wants to marry them."
Joan was rocked into silence, and when she found her voice, all she could manage was, "why did you leave that job?"
Ana smiled "you can never work under people you don't like Miss Joan."

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