Chapter 19

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Hugh walked to the window and whispered "Lady Joan?"

Joan turned and it was then that he realized that she was on the verge of shedding tears.

Hugh sucked in his breath. 

Joan looked at him and sputtered "I-I know we won't succeed. Our plan won't work. And I knew this from the moment, you told me about the plan, but I kept quiet. I didn't want to tell what I felt, to you, because you're such a kind person to help me. No one has even tried to plan anything, and you-you..."

Joan burst right then and there into tears.

Tears that stung his heart. 

Tears that mocked him.

And tears that killed him, slowly and desperately.

He could see it in her eyes, the truth. Her belief, that she did not believe in her fate, but believed in her instincts, that just her anger on herself, alone had umpteen syllables that entwined together, and formed one bulging knot.

That knot would burst and bleed, and then Hugh thought, the blood would savor her life.

Hugh offered her his handkerchief, and crooned soft words of composure.

And he silenced her within moments.

"Lady Joan?" Hugh said "will you listen to me?"

Joan nodded but she couldn't look into his eyes.

"All you need is confidence. Believe in yourself. Confidence has a humongous effect on happiness. One must possess loads of confidence and believe that she could conquer the world, and let it dance in her purview.

She is the queen, the enchantress, the perfect human-everyone desires to be.

That 'she' must be inculcated in every woman. Every dreamer.

Then, just see, how with the blink of an eyelid, you conquer the universe, and teach it to be just as magnificent as you are.

Spread confidence. Ingrain bliss in each and every fiber of your body. And then notice how your life changes."

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