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A boy, laying down on his side, legs pulled up halfway to his chest, hands in front of his face.
Black hair falling over his closed eyes.

Shattered pieces of green glass scattered around the body, tangling in his hair and the ramanings of a soju bottle a few centimeters away.

Corner of the lip bloody, scratches on the cheek and runny nose.

Bruise already forming on his legs, exposed by his basketball shorts and on his sides, reveiled by the slight lift of his black sweater.

From this angle and with his black hair covering his eyes, Jin couldn't really make out who the person was, but he knew he was young and completely beat up.

"What the hell hapened." Asked Jin as he put a hand over his parted lips.

"Parent abuse." Said Jungkook bitterly in his low voice, nose scrunching in disgust as he thought of the woman.

When Jin was about to speak up, a low voice sounded in the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The voice was weak yet incredibly menacing.

Jin's head whipped around to see the boy had opened his eyes, body still pressed to the cold tiled floor.

His dark and glosy eyes staring at him.

He slowly perked on his elbows, hair falling over his face.

He hissed at the pain of standing up.

Jungkook jumping in to help him.

Jin completely frozen.


The boy looked up, confirming his suspicions.

"Did you call the cops?" He said, looking at him coldly, irises black and eyes red.

The older didn't respond, too shocked to see the boy he always teased in school, completely bruised and bloody.

"DID YOU CALL THE FUCKING COPS!" Said Yoongi louder, the veins of his neck bold and his jaw clenched.

"No." Jin was speechless.

Completely petrified to see a younger so beat up and weak. He knew Yoongi lived alone and worked himself to exhaustion for his little sister, but he would never have expected for him to be physically abused by his parents to the point of not being able to stand up for a short period of time.

"Is she okay?" He said, leaning over the counter, refusing Jungkook's help.

"why are you thinking of her when you can't even stand u-"

"Are you fucking deaf." The younger cut him off. Still glaring at Jin.

"I. Asked. If. She. Was. Okay." He repeated, his voice strong and icy.

Before Jin could answer, Jimin walked inside slowly.

Naho was asleep on his shoudler as he held her rightly.

Jimin smiled, holding his hand up in a 'ok ' sign, he placed the keys on the counter, meaning he had locked the door and they were now safe.

Yoongi looked at him, his teary eyes finally overflowing as he let a tear roll down his face.

His dark pupils instantly lightened as he thanked the blonde without saying a word.

The two other boys, still stuck in the middle of the scene, Jin watching Yoongi's legs shake from the corner of his eye.

The weak boy took a deap breath.

"Thank... God.." Where the last words he could utter before collapsing on the floor.


Hope you liked the two new updates.

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