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Jimin expected Yoongi to arrive a few minutes after, but he didn't.

The orange haired boy looked around worriedly as the hour advanced.

Where the hell was he?

The class finally came to an end, Jimin almost jumped off his seat and rushed to pack his things.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Taehyung chuckled as he had yet to stand up.

"I'm going to look for my friend."

Jimin said before rushing out of the classroom.

He asked the teacher if they hadn't seen him. But they all shook their head with a look of hatred.

All teachers hated Yoongi because he was either late or slept in class...

Jimin ran through the hallways, not even counting m all the students he bumped into. Suddenly, he tripped and fell heavily on the floor.

He opened his eyes to see a white blouse.

"Are you okay?" A voice said from above him.

Jimin sat up and looked at the beautiful nurse that crouched beside him.

"Yes, thank you Mister Kim." He said as he stood up and dusted his clothes.

"Why were you in such a rush, its lunch time." The nurse said with a beautiful smile.

"Im looking for Min Yoongi. Have you seen him?" Jimin said in a sigh, already expecting a no.

"Yoongi? Yes he is in the infirmary." Mr Kim said as he turned around to walk to his office, dusting his pink turtleneck, followed closely by Jimin.

"He collapsed on the floor. I carried him there but didn't check his symptoms. Probably went out to late" He explained, hands in his pockets.

"You carried him from the entrance to the nurse?" Jimin said, gapping at the taller mans strength.

"Yes." He said as his eyebrows furrowed under his blonde bangs. "Yoongi is alarmingly light for his age."

Jimin looked down at his shows as he followed Mr Kim. His memories drifted to the boy only eating the leftover cucumbers his sister didn't like.

Come to think of it, Jimin hadn't seen Yoongi eat when he slept over.

What did Yoongi eat?

The two boys entered the infirmary. It was all quiet, Yoongi hadn't woken up yet.

Jimin's heart dropped as he saw the boy that slept peacefully in the small bed in the corner of the room.

His face was as pale as the sheets and his lips were almost blue.

"There's no way Yoongi went out clubbing." Jimin whispered.

Thinking at the night he had slept with the boy.

"You are right, he suffers from very severe exhaustion. However, there are no signs of alcohol or drug addiction."

Jimin smiled, proud of the boy that slept in his bed.

"He seems extremely worn out though, probably hasn't slept in days and looks alarmingly thin. He isn't really living the healthy lifestyle."

Jimin listened to Mr Kim as his eyes wandered to the pale boy's face.

He remembered Yoongi stepping out but come to think of it he hadn't seen him come home, knowing he had stayed up on his phone until around midnight. Then he was woken up by him at around 7 am.

That meant Yoongi had had around six to five hours of sleep.

If that were to be related everyday no wonder Yoongi slept in class all the time.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him." The nurse said with a kind smile as he noticed Jimin's worried expression.

"Thank you Mr Kim."

"Call me Seokjin."

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