Ch 56: The Multiple Ways one Could Milk a Snake

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"More than a day, you cannot just slip her a poison when I'm not looking."

Her cheeks puffed back and she rocked on her heels, "boo. You are always ruining my fun."


She hummed, "very well she shall survive the week and perhaps next time we meet."

"Okay, what do you want in return."

She peered at me through her lashes, "I want to be able to build that immunity we talked about with you... and I want to be able to replace the bed if I dont like it."


She pouted, "then she dies."



"I will build the tolerance with you. But the bed stays."

"I refuse."

I sighed exasperated, "really woman is there nothing else you want?"

"Our room to be powder blue and our sheets to be satin and lace."

I could hear Maddox choke on a laugh.

I Sighed, "absolutely not."

She huffed, "well then the bed goes."

"You haven't even seen it."

"But you like it and I'm mad at you and want you to suffer so we are going to burn it."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"You do not want me to kill her even though I can. Perhaps you enjoyed her mutts touch."

"Really Red? You think that's possible?"

She shrugged, fluffing her hair, "true, I am so much lovelier than she is. But she still shall die."

My next words came as she rose her blade, "I'll let you build the immunity and I will get the recipe for your favorite apple cake from that bakery you love so."

She paused, knife in hand, glancing at me, "pardon?"

"I assume you want it and they wont give it up."

"That is true."

"I will make sure you have it."

Her eyes went utterly wide, "you will?"

"Of course."

She twirled her blades in her fingers once before returning them to her garters, and hugging me around the waist, "oh how lovely! I shall bake it for my next tea with Isadora."

I nodded, relived that she was calm, "I'm sure she will love it."

Red giggled turning her attention to the Nightgales with that closed eyed smile of hers, "I forgive you this once." Her lashes fluttered open revealing those ever cold iris's of hers, "but after this week if you are ever breathing the same air as Zander alone again I will find you in your sleep and slip you a poison so foul you will vomit blood for a month before slipping into a painful sleep where you slowly drown in the fluid from your lungs."

With another giggle and a kiss on my cheek she was off, "oh an Zander? If you ever allow such a thing again, I'll put wolfsbane in the entire packs water supply. It was lovely to meet you all but I have tarts baking in the kitchen and really must be off."

I waited until she skipped off to look at all the alphas present, they were not all here but there were enough to get started, "I should probably explain that."

The alpha of the Smithsin pack nodded, scratching at his bearded jaw, "I would think so."

"I assume all of you have heard of The Vermillion Demon of Vanderdash?"

They nodded.

"You just met her."


"Yes well, Red may look sweet but I do urge you not to eat anything she gives you without checking for poison. It's a habit of hers I'm trying to break. She's a Scarlet guardsmen but she had killed for my packs sake as well. I do ask you all to give her a chance. She's..." I trailed off.

Maddox picked up, "our future alpha female is probably insane but she cares in her own messed up way. She's quite in love with herself and will probably attempt to experiment on you but as Zander likes to point out, her heart is in the right place. Generally."

I scowled, "shes not insane."

"Last week she explained to one of the pack women the multiple ways one could milk a snake for venom."

"Thats an improvement from trying to get people to drink snake venom. She's at least teaching something."

Maddox paused, "so it is. I suppose she is warming to us."

I snorted, "she is, in her own way. It will jus take time. She likes to study us though." I glanced at the alphas. "Don't be surprised if she asks you strange questions about your pack or environment. If you don't want to answer just tell her, she will huff and complain to me about it but wont try to kill any of you...and Mikar, I will see to it she apologizes for kicking you."

The older wolf rumbled out a laugh, "do not worry about that Zander, you have your hands full with the little spitfire as it is! No one has landed a hit like that on me in some time. She will make quite the alpha female, fierce as hells fires it seems, I worry for those on her bad side. As for my daughter. I thank you for not being angry, I know that little mate of yours is going to chew you out for it later."

I grinned, "I can handle Red, she's just going to need to pout a bit more. She just had her blades sharpened and I'm sure she wanted to use them. Please do make yourselves at home dinner is shortly after sunset."

One by one they entered the packhorse to settle in.

I sighed, not entirely sure, what Red was going to do, I was sure she was still angry with me. But I couldn't have this treaty ruined. I will do what I need to to make her understand and make up the lack of bloodshed to her.

Our deal was likely only a temporary fix. I'm going to need to soothe her anger a bit more and well... she reacted much like a she wolf would.

I will not deny it was sexy as hell, my inner wolf howling at her territorial display.

And I can't help but wonder if she got jealous like a she wolf... would she react toward me like a she wolf does.

They like to stake their claim.

I am really hoping she reacts that way, this side of Red is new and very fascinating and well sexy as hell. I wouldn't mind offering some reassurances in a physical way if she wants.

I wouldn't mind at all.

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