Internal Fight

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"Lia!" Cody's voice rang through my ears. I looked up from the table and toward the taller boy. "Hey Cody, are you okay?" He nodded. "Yeah, I have the nurse as my 3rd period. He helped me work out some of my anxiety." I hummed,  "That's good." He sat down. "Where are the others?" I waved towards the doors and placed my head in the palm of my hand. "Subway, they're buying us food." He placed his hand on mine, intertwining our fingers like he did this morning. "Thank you for being here for me." I smiled and reached over, playing with his hair. "I'll always be here for you. Now and forever." His face split into a grin. "Maybe forever can be our always." I snorted and laughed a bit. "Alright you girl." He looked offended. "The Fault In Our Stars was amazing, I have no idea what you're talking about." I snortit again. "Did you read the book or saw the movie?" His grin grew wider. "Both." I snickered, turning to face him. His eyes lit up as he smiled. At that moment, nothing mattered except us. My brain and heart informed me awhile ago that I have feeling for the beautiful on my left. "Lia you're staring." I jumped, shaking away my thoughts. Dan set a sandwich in front of me and smiled at me, his eyes showing he knows something. "You have no idea how hungry I am. Thank you." Cody released my hand and I felt how cold the air is around us. I shivered, pulling my hoodie up more around my neck. I started eating, spacing out once again.

"Lia? is everything okay? You've gone abnormally quiet." I blinked. "I'm fine, just thinking." I was left alone after that. Cody and I exchanged looks throughout the day that made my heart swell and my cheeks flame. When it came time for school to be over, I couldn't be happier. I had opted to go to the local coffee shop for some studying. The cool thing is not only was it a Café but it was also a library. Quiet, smelled heavenly, and a perfect place to focus without the constant distraction of drama and a certain stunning boy in need. I offered Cody to come with, but he said he is just going to work with the guys.

I stepped into the Café and out of the crisp chilly autumn air. Halloween is in 3 days and Thanksgiving just after that, I needed some time to think. My mom would definitely want to see me Thanksgiving, she might even come from Wichita with her boyfriend of 3 years. Sean is sweet and all, but the memory of my father would never be replaced by a wealthy man in a clean suit. "What can I get you?" I was snapped from my thoughts and brought back to my dull life. "Uh a Caramel macchiato, hot and a giant chocolate chip cookie." The barista smiled and wrote it down. "That'll be 7.75." I handed the barista some cash before choosing a window seat and sitting in it. I opened my backpack, pulling out everything I needed. "Here is your coffee and cookie, enjoy." I smiled at her. "Thank you so much." Silence enveloped me, making it hard to focus on my school work when I was left with my ravaging mind. "You look bothered, upset perhaps. What is wrong?" I snapped my head up and focused on the male who made the accurate observation. "Sorry, I'm Magnus." Magnus was nothing short of strange. The male is covered in bright colors, glitter and bright makeup. "Amelia, I'm having trouble focusing." I had only realized that in my midst of my thoughts, I had not typed a single word for my English paper.

The strange, yet intriguing male took a seat in the empty seat in front of me. "Is it guy trouble? I have one of my own, and let me tell you, he is great in the bedroom but always busy with work." I laughed quietly.  "Sort of. I just moved to Lawrence about 3 weeks ago. I go to the boarding school for the talented in fine arts. My roommate, he reminds me so much of my old friend, possibly lover and it's comforting. He has problems of his own and he insists that I'm there to help him. I'm not complaining. I am willingly to help a person in need, but it started to strike up some feelings." Magnus nodded and played with his rings. "Doesn't sound like a sort of to me. You're on the path to love my dear, don't run from it. The only way to be happy is to let it in and let yourself be boosted and lifted by that love." He didn't say anything more, only grabbed his coffee and with a dramatic turn, he left.

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt