I'm Managing

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I rolled over in my bunk and more tears fell from my eyes. I was too upset to play the last stop of Warped, and now we're heading back home, with Cody. "Lia?" Cody popped his head into my bunk and his eyes softened. Two days ago last year, I pulled Simon from his ceiling. I scooted over in my bunk and Cody climbed in, enveloping me in his arms. He pressed a few light kisses to the top of my head. I cried into his chest, my broken sobs piercing the silence. "I miss him." Cody rubbed my back and stayed silent. He let me cry into his chest, until I ran out of tears and his shirt was soaked. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head. My appetite disappeared two days ago.

"Lia? We're home!" I rolled over in my bunk, my eyes sore from crying and my stomach rumbling with hunger. I nodded and sat up, my head buzzing. I felt dizzy. "I'll get Cody." My boyfriend appeared in front of me and the next thing I knew, I was hanging limply from his back. He had his hands tightly on my ankles and I have my arms thrown lazily over his shoulders. "I love you Lia." "I love you too Cody." He seemed surprised to hear my voice. I hadn't spoke to either of the boys since I cried into Cody's shirt. That was 4 days ago. "Mom is going to have a cow, come on." Rem had my suitcases with his. I frowned and tried to get out of Cody's grip. "Hey, I got it. Just relax." I laid my head on Cody's head.

"GUYS!" Mom's voice rang through the house and I winced. Cody opened his eyes and looked at me. "Let's go see her." I silently followed him downstairs. "Cody, so nice to see you." She trapped my boyfriend in a bear hug before moving on to me. "They warned me to be gentle with you. What's wrong?" I sniffled and looked away, fresh tears filling my eyes. "Simon passed away a few days ago last year Mom." She hugged me and rubbed my hair. I silently cried into her shoulder.

"Amelia? Is that you?" I laughed quietly in the phone. "Yes Tess, it's me." "Oh my God, are you okay? I can't expect these past few months have been easy." "I'm doing okay. I miss him though. I know you cried when the day rolled around. I can't seem to get past it." I heard her sigh on the other side. "I know that things are going to be hard when it comes to him. For you, it may be harder than it is for the rest of us. My parents refuse to acknowledge he even existed. All you have to do is surround yourself with loved ones." I looked to my left, Cody's peaceful face coming into view. He fell asleep soon after I stopped crying. "I can do that." "Good, call me anytime you need it. Being surrounded with your boyfriend's friends and your brothers can't be easy." I laughed again. "It can be unbearable at times. Thank you Tess." "No problem Lia."

I felt a little better after talking to Tessa. I rolled over and got out of the bed, making sure not to wake Cody. I walked out of the room and down to the kitchen, humming one of Cody's songs. My appetite came back about 20 minutes ago and I am starving. I pulled a box of Cheeze-itz out of the pantry. I smiled and stuffed my hand in the box, pulling out a handful of the delicious snack. I shoved about half into my mouth beforr turning around, my stomach rumbling in satisfaction. "Feeling better?" 

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now