You're All Heathens

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"EMERSON BARRETT GET BACK HERE!" His giggle become distant once he turned down another hallway. I chased after him. "You're so uptight." I rolled my eyes and tackled him. I grabbed my book from him and walked away, more like walk into Remi. "No reading." He plucked the book from my hands and tossed it to Emerson. "YOU'RE ALL HEATHENS!" I turned to go back to Cody's dorm room. "Why don't you spend the day with us?" "Because you're being huge ass'." Sebastian gasped, feigning hurt. "Yes you too Seb. I'm trying to study. I have exams coming up and this is so stressful." Tears piled up in my eyes and Remington's face changed from michevious to worried. "Lia please don't cry." He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back as I had an anxiety attack. Things have been so crazy and we have our monthly exams coming up. "What happened?" I recognized the voice as Jack. "She's just having an anxiety attack." "And you are?" Most don't know of my adoption. "I'm one of her older brothers." I pulled back and looked at Emerson, tears still coming out of eyes. "Book please." He handed it over and I turned around, heading back toward Cody's room. 

"Baby what's wrong?" I had spent 20 minutes in complete silence, laying on the floor of the empty room, crying. "I'm stressed." Cody pulled me off the floor. "About?" "Exams, the performance is coming up, I miss my mom, I'm having to deal with my Aunt and her stupid ranting about getting adopted, and so much more." He pressed a kiss to my forehead, swaying us back and forth. "You had left so suddenly when I went to the bathroom, I thought something bad happened." "Em took my book for English, I chased him down and broke down." Cody pulled away when a knock was heard. He opened it and just outside stood my guilty brothers and the rest of Cody's band. "Lia we're sorry." I sighed and motioned them forward. I got hugged by all three simultaneously. "It's fine, just don't fuck with me while I'm studying." The three pulled away and nodded their agreements. "Mom is wanting to Skype call." I looked at Cody and he smiled. "You can do it in here, I'm just showing them the new lyrics." Cody had been writing a song all this week and I personally really like it. "Thank you." I kissed him quickly and grabbed Remi's laptop from him. I pulled up Skype and clicked the call button.

"Hi!" The four of us waved at our parents. "Why were you crying Lia?" Mom's eyes moved to the boys'. "She had an anxiety attack." I looked away, smiling at Cody's happy face. He had his arms on top of his knees and his song book open in front of his band mates. The three looked very impressed. "What's are you staring at?" "Her boyfriend." I smacked Sebastian on the arm. "I wanna meet him!" I shot Seb a dirty look and looked toward the band again. "Cody?" He turned to me and I beckoned him to me. He got off the bed and walked to me. "My parents want to meet you." His cheeks heated up and he looked nervous. "They won't kill you, if I like you, then they will." I giggled at Remi and pulled Cody into view. "Mom, Dad, this is Cody Carson." "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kropp." He's so polite that it makes me grin. "Nice to meet you Cody. He seems like a sweet boy Lia." Cody looked more relaxed. "Cody! Dan thought of something." Cody got up again and strode across the room. "Cody's the singer of a band, they're working on a new song."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя