I Don't Want Your Pity

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"Amelia?" I looked around the room, trying to find the voice through the haziness. "Amelia! Wake up." I felt a squeezing in my chest and then a bright light blinded me. "She's awake!" I looked down to see Alex and Jack staring at me from across the room. I felt something in my hand and I moved my gaze to see what it was. A callused hand had its fingers tightly wrapped around mine. I looked up to see who the hand belonged to. The face belonged to none other than Cody Carson. His eyes reflected ones of worry and angst. "You just collapsed in History, muttering something about a Simon." My heart panged and I squeezed his hand tightly. A man with longish blonde hair rushed over and smiled softly down at me. "How are you feeling Mrs. Getter?" My mouth pulled into frown. "Fine. I just had an anxiety attack." He hummed. "I understand the feeling. Do you know what triggered the attack?" I looked away and Cody squeezed my hand. "It was a mix of things. On Saturday, I was reminded of why I moved down here, Dr. Way knows why and he brought it up, and my school things has it written all over it." The male sighed, "Mrs. Getter I need you to tell me." I swallowed hard and looked up at the ceiling, blinking back tears. "My best friend...he uh...he killed himself over the summer." The room felt eerily quiet and tense. "You slept through most of the day, you're free to go to your room and Cody you're let off too. Dr. Way and I expect to see you in classes tomorrow." I nodded and stood up, with the help of Cody.

When we got back to our room, I collapsed on my bed and shoved my face into the pillow. "Amelia? Do you need to talk about it?" For someone so angry, Cody seemed extremely nice at the moment. Probably taking pity on the girl who's severely damaged, mentally that is. "I don't need to talk about anything. I don't need or want your pity." His face hardened and for a second I regretted snapping at him. "Fine. I was just trying to help." He turned away from me and grabbed a case, most likely holding a guitar. He stalked from the room, slamming the door behind him. I sighed and stood up reaching for a picture on the wall above my bed.

"Simon! Come on!" I reached out for his hand. He grabbed it and I pulled him toward me. "I'm so happy your mom let you out." I chuckled and intertwined our fingers together. "You're good at convincing people. Plus she knew I did nothing wrong." "Why did she even ground you?" "I was at a dance with drugs, though I wasn't doing them she was still angry." He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. I heard a camera shutter and I looked behind us to see a friend of ours holding a Polaroid. "Keep this, I know you'll both love it."

The picture was given to me after his funeral. His beautiful handwriting on the back, The most beautiful girl in the world, 9-14-15. Tears dripped from my eyes and splashed onto my hand. I loved Simon in more ways than one. We always had more of a friend connection, but we never acted on it. We always were just buddy buddy toward each other. I loved the way his black and purple hair flopped in his face. We both got our ears pierced together, he was the reason my mom didn't flip out over it. We both vowed to live on through the other. He was my everything and I can't just forget it. "Why Si? Why did you do it?" More tears fell from my eyes and I knew then, I needed someone to talk to.

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now