I Think That This Is Best

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"Maxx, I won't be back until later!" He looked up from his phone, his forehead creased. "I'm going to the coffee shop five minutes from here for some quiet." He nodded and looked back down at his phone. His bright blue hair flopped into his face and I heard him sigh in annoyance. I left the room, chuckling quietly. We dyed our hair the day after we met up with my mom. I promised Cody I would spend the night in his room then I'd go back to mine. He thought I was going to move back in with him. If I hadn't already gotten close with Maxx, I would've jumped on the chance to be closer with him. Maxx is like an older brother to me, and I didn't really want to leave his safe room. Not that Cody's room isn't safe, I just want to stay with Maxx. Why the hell am I arguing with my thoughts?

I smiled at the lady who brought over another scalding cup of caffeine. Picking up my highlighter, I looked back down at my notebook. "Hey got room for one more?" I looked up, the sudden question scared me. Jack stood by my table with a sheepish smile. "Oh go ahead, I'm just studying." Jack slid into the open seat. "I came here to do the same, since Alex and I got back together, things have been crazy." That is news to me. "You guys worked everything out?" His sheepish smile grew into a big grin. "Yeah, how are things with you and Cody?" Jack wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "There is nothing but friendship between us. He's going through a lot right now and needs a friend." He cocked an eyebrow. "And your feelings for him aren't obvious to him how?" I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked back down at my notes. "Even if I do have feelings for him, that isn't going to change things." He shrugged and smiled at the same lady who brought my drink. She set a coffee pot at the end of the table and left with a smile. "She knows stressed teens when she sees 'em." Jack laughed and poured himself some coffee.

"Why don't you come hang with us tonight? We haven't hung out in awhile." I looked down at the dozen messages on my phone. All from the boys. "I would if I hadn't any plans." He nodded, walking toward Rian's room and I headed toward mine. I opened the door and smiled at the boys all gathered on the floor. "You spent like 8 hours in the café." Cody complained. "It's called homework, plus Jack joined me and we hung out." I set my things on my bed and joined them on the floor. Cody pulled me closer to him, where he was leaned up against Maxx's bed. Maxx smiled at me and secretly gestured to my bright red cheeks. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed. "You two act like a brother and sister." Dan pointed out. We shrugged and I leaned my head back against Cody's shoulder. "So over Thanksgiving break, I can't go home because Sean is taking my mom to Ireland. Is there any way I could stay with one of you guys?" Three out of the four shook their heads. I looked up at Cody and he smiled down at me. "I'll talk to Frank and see what I can do."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now