Thanks By The Way

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"Have a good break! I expect everyone back with a smile and a can do attitude!" Mr. Iero announced with a fake smile on his face. Everyone got up and left, Cody and I stayed back. "You guys ready to go?" We both nodded and followed Mr. Iero, Frank, out the classroom door. Dr. Way had us do our classes backward making our first period, our last period. "Just a warning, we have two dogs, Houdini and Sweet Pea." The drive from the school to the house wasn't long, about 10 minutes. Frank unlocked the door and held back two dogs from getting out. "Frank!" Dr. Way's voice rang through the house. "What did you do?" Cody snickered, he has been living here for about a week. He chooses to stay in his dorm through the week, goes home for dinner, then comes back. "I didn't do anything! I'm just happy to see my husband." Dr. Way came out from what I'm guessing is the kitchen, and kissed Frank on the cheek. "Hey Cody, Amelia." Cody smiled and hugged the older man. "Hey, thanks for letting me stay." Dr. Way waved me off. "No problem, plus everything you've done for Cody, makes us owe a debt to you." I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.

I dropped my bag on the floor and collapsed on the air mattress in Cody's room. "You look so dead." I whined, "I am so tired!" Cody laughed and pointed out, "If you didn't stay up doing homework, then you wouldn't be tired." I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same back. "I feel like he haven't had time to just talk and bullshit with each other. What's up with you?" That statement is extremely true, all through this week was tests and due projects. "I've been okay. I'm just tired and ready for Christmas." He laughed and nodded in agreement. "I feel you there. With Frank and Gee helping me through my sister's death, I feel like I'm actually walking on solid ground, not tripping on it." I smiled up at him. He moved off his bed and laid down next to me on the air mattress. "I meant it when I said I could be your next Simon." I looked at him and felt my heart start beating faster, at that point, I felt like he could hear it too. "I know. With Simon it took me 3 years for me to realize that I liked him, with you it took 2 weeks." He looked at me with the brightest eyes. "That must make me pretty special huh?" I smiled. "I'd say in my book, that makes you extremely special."

"I can see why a lot of people go to you guys." I had gotten pretty used to Gerard and Frank. Mikey, Gerard's younger brother, joined us later in the night. "You do?" Frank inquired. "You guys are sweet and protective. You're willing to take a risk, for the better of others. Cody for example, you put me in his room knowing that he has some issues. It bettered both of us and I got him to calm himself." A hand landed on my arm in a playful slap. "What! You were so mean." Cody rolled his eyes and laughed. "Your mom told me why you came to the school and I knew exactly who I was going to assign you with. Why did you move in with Maxx?" I heard Cody sigh. "Him and Shay got back together, which I ended up cleaning up. I moved in with Maxx to stay out of their way and he's like an older brother." "Maxx is like that to everyone." Cody whined. "Do you see anyone else residing in his room?" Cody stuck his tongue out at me and I poked it. "Ew!" Everyone watched us play around in amusement. "Frank I know I won the bet." Gerard announced and Frank gasped. "What! No!" Cody and I stopped messing with each other and looked up in curiosity. "Why did you make a bet?" Mikey laughed, starting out with a chuckle, then doubled over in tear jerking laughter.

"They bet on if you two would be really good friends or more." I knew my cheeks were bright red and Mikey's laughter confirmed it. Cody looked surprised. "Which side is Gee on?" I buried my face in my heads, I didn't want to hear the answer. "Couple side." Frank smile. "Aw you made her blush." A shove on my shoulder ended up with me laying in Cody's lap. "Jokes on you, I'm comfortable." I straightened the lower half of my body out and looked up at the male I'm laying on. He winked at me and I chuckled. "They act just like a couple! How do you not see it Frankie?" Frank shrugged. "I see it, but I've seen friends that close." I shrugged and smiled, "We're friends, but I'm not sure about the more part." That silenced their playful argument. "Yet."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now