I'm Quite Alright

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Moving my things into Maxx's room didn't go as well as I had hoped. Cody spent a good 15 minutes arguing with Maxx about it. It only took 2 hours to get everything moved in and unpacked. "Here." I handed Shay the purple lanyard that held the purple key. She took it and placed it in the back pocket of her too short shorts. Maxx, Dan, and Zach lived in the Yellow Hall. Dan and Zach's room is across from Maxx and I's. That was yesterday, now it's Thursday. I woke up with Maxx's alarm, which is set to 6:45. It took me 10 minutes to get ready, mainly because I couldn't find some things that had been moved from yesterday.

Maxx and I sat down at the table with Dan, Cody, Zach already at it. Cody shot Maxx an icy glare. I nonchalantly sipped at my coffee and clicked away at my laptop. My phone buzzed and I reached for it. "Hey mom." "What're you up to?" I looked at the table suspiciously. "I'm waiting for school to start. Why is something wrong? Did Sean do something? Don't tell me we're moving again." Everyone surrounding me, stared at me. "No, nothing's wrong. I wanted to know if you wanted to meet me tonight for dinner. Just you, Sean, me and someone else maybe. That Rian kid seemed nice." I frowned. "Uh yeah that sounds fine, let me see if any of my friends want to come." I moved my phone away from my ear. "My mom wants to know if one of you guys want to have dinner with her, her boyfriend, and I tonight." Maxx rose his hand slightly. "Alright blondie is coming with me." I smiled at him. "My friend Maxx wants to come." I heard her say something to someone before responding, "Sounds good. Nothing fancy and I'm taking you to the store afterwards because I want you to redye your hair." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to keep dying my hair unnatural hair in the memory of him. Don't even try to tell me otherwise." I heard her sigh in defeat. "Fine, nothing too trashy please." The bell rang and I stood up. "Mom I got to go." I hung up and looked at Maxx, who waited for me. "Do I have to wear something fancy?" "Nope, just not ripped jeans, Sean is a huge dick about that kind of thing." He sighed and we started to walk toward our class'. "Don't let Cody bring you down today. I know how you feel about him, but don't let that affect your actions and mood. See you next period."

School wasn't very eventful, more homework. Maxx and I retreated back to our room, followed by Zach, Cody, Dan, and sadly, Shay. I went through the closet, looking through clothes and groaning when I could hear Sean yelling at me. "Why the hell did she have to date some pompous asshole?" Maxx snickered from behind me. He had found clothes ages ago. I pulled out a shirt with a skull in the front and rips in the back. "Fuck it, I'll wear this." I pulled a pair of ripped jeans, with covers under them, and went into the bathroom. Mom wanted to meet at 4, eat by 5, go shopping at 6 and get back at 7. I did my makeup, left my hair down, something I don't normally do. "It's almost 4, let's get to the front." We pushed all the others out of our room, Cody gave me a fleeting look before Shay dragged him off. Maxx took my hand and squeezed it. He knew I was nervous to see my mom and Sean tonight, I hated being around Sean too long. "Let's get this over with, tomorrow is a holiday, so I can sleep." Maxx smiled and we walked toward the entrance.

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