Just Us

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"So what?" I laughed and pushed Em slightly. "Shy is such a sweet girl." "I know, I might ask her out before Spring Break. Mom and Dad want to come down during then too." "That'd be amazing." We looked both ways before crossing the street together. We walked down the sidewalk before reaching the cozy, little cafè. We stepped inside, smiling at the waitress. I spotted Rem and Seb in a booth seat, both studying. I knew it'd be a great idea to bring my school stuff. "Hey guys." I slid in next to Rem and Em opposite to me. "Hey Lia." Seb smirked at me and I reached over to hit his arm. "What can I get you two?" I gave the waitress me order and she left after getting Em's. "How much do you need to get done before you want to go back to the school?" "I want to stay 2 hours before curfew. I've been pushing my homework off."

"Hey baby." Cody kissed my cheek and sat back down on the floor. I looked at the video game he's playing with Maxx. I snickered, they're getting mad at Mario Kart. "My parents are coming down for Spring Break." "Cool." I sighed and sat down on his bed. "Dude, don't ignore your girlfriend." Maxx paused the game. "What was that?" "My parents are coming down during Spring Break. They want to have dinner with us." "Us as in?" "You, me, Rem, Seb, Em, and Em's possible girlfriend Shy." Cody smiled. "Sounds fun, speaking of, you want to go to Gee's and Frank's for dinner one night? Frank has been wanting you to come over since we announced that we're together." "Of course." Maxx laughed at our conversation. "You talk like an old married couple." "We could say other things, but you're here." Maxx pulled a sour face and stuck his tongue out. "You two are nasty." I giggled and moved onto the floor. "How much did you get done?" "A good amount, you two want to come with me tomorrow to study? I need to finish up the rest before my parents get here." Spring Break is next week and we just got the confirmation that they're coming down. "Sure, I could use some studying." I looked to Maxx. "I have a date." I raised an eyebrow. "With who." He chuckled nervously. "You know Taylor right?" "Taylor Momsen? Of course, she's like the best female singer of our grade." "I asked her on a date this morning and we're going on one tomorrow." I fist-bumped him.

"Baby wake up!" I whined, pushing my face further into my pillow. "Baby we have things to do today." I rolled over, facing Cody. "Don't be grumpy." I pouted, I want to go back to sleep. "I'll buy you breakfast." I huffed. "Fine." He pressed a light kiss to my lips and got out of bed. He threw a pair of shorts and a shirt at me. I grabbed them and stood up, stumbling a bit. I groaned loudly when I stretched. Cody put his hands on my hips, and I put my head against his shoulder. "You're so cute when you wear my clothes." I laughed. "I should just move back in, I think Maxx is going to want Taylor with him if they end up getting together. I basically live in here anyway." "I'm not complaining. It'd be nice to have you in here permanently." "Then it's settled. During Spring Break I'll move back in." Cody pressed his lips to mine. We pulled apart when we heard a knock on the door. "Bathroom." I giggled and shut myself in the small room. I got dressed and unlocked the door. "You two are like rabbits." I shoved Dan and grabbed a hair tie off the little beside table. "Maxx you ready for your date with Taylor?" The blonde male nodded. "Good. I'm also moving in with Cody during Spring Break." Maxx handed me Max's leash. "He has been whining all night." I groaned and grabbed some shoes. "I'll take him out."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now