no, No, NO!

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"Where are you going?" Maxx had looked up from his laptop to find me packing up a few of my school things. "I promised Emerson that I'd show him the café I usually go to." Maxx frowned, which isn't like him. "What? What'd I say?" "Nothing, you just seemed particularly fond of the new guys." "They're friends. Plus they're new, people I can relate to. You've been busy with your unmentioned band and I'm just occupying myself." He huffed and left me alone to finish up packing. I looked up when I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!" The door opened and Emerson stood awkwardly in the doorway, Remington and Cody behind him. "Bye Maxx, see you Cody." Cody nodded in my direction, his face expressionless. I sighed, he's been like that all week, since I asked him about his song ideas. I walked out the door, smiling at the two boys. "Remi wanted to join, and Sebastian is with a girl." I laughed and nodded. "It's only a five minute walk." Together we walked out the walked and into the chilly air. "Shit, this is colder than Lawrence." I shivered under my jacket, speeding up my pace a bit. We arrived at the café in no time, hurrying into the warm building. Emerson looked around in awe and Remington gave it a nod of approval. "This is my favorite place to go to study and get away from Cody's often changing mood." I walked up to the front counter, ordering coffee and hot chocolate. When I turned, I found the boys had already found a place to sit down. The booth is by a lit fire, and it's big enough to hold like 8 people. "I love this place." I nodded in agreement. "It truly is amazing." We all got out our school stuff, getting to work quickly.

"Lia, why'd you move here?" The question came out of no where. "My best friend passed away earlier this year, hit me really hard. My mom moved me here to hone in on my musical abilities." Emerson looked down at his notebook for a moment, then looking back up. Remington just stared at me, as if taking in the information. "How are you doing now?" It seemed like an easy question, but I honestly thought about it. "I'm doing fine. I know he'd want me to move on and not dwell on his passing. The boys have helped me through a lot of it, especially Cody. He's lost a few people too." A silence came into play after I answered. Emerson moved his hand to lay on top of mine. "I'm here if you need me, we all are." I smiled gratefully at him. I couldn't answer, a commotion had started in front of the door that had drawn my attention. "SOMEONE CALL 911!" I looked out the window my backpack is lying against, a crash involving a familiar car and a foreign one. Mom. Remington had already stood up, that let me get out of the booth and run outside. I ran toward the familiar car, someone I didn't recognize is trying to pull a mangled body out of the smashed driver door. "MOM!" I didn't realize I had shouted until I saw people staring at me. A sob escaped my lips as I ran forward. Her body is lying across the road, blood gushing out of gashes. She moved her body, coughing up blood onto the road. "Mom, no, No, NO!" I grabbed her in my arms, tears falling down my face as I held back sobs. "Lia? I wanted to..I wanted to see you." She closed her eyes, then opened them, tears coming out of her eyes. We are surrounded by a group of people from surrounding shops. "Please, don't leave. I can't lose you too." She coughed, blood spilling over her cut lips.

"Mrs. Getter?" I stood up, a few people standing up as well. An arm went around my waist and a hand grabbed mine. "Is she okay? Please tell me she'll live." The doctor looked away from me for a second. "She has a few minutes, she has too much internal bleeding, her heart is overworking itself, she lost a lot of blood, she has a lot of brain damage. I'm so sorry." I pushed past him, running into to surgery room. She is lying across the surgery table, mangled and bloodied. A sob escaped my mouth. "Lia? Is that you?" Her voice is barely above a whisper. I rushed forward, griping her cut open hand in mine. "Mama." Her free hand reached up, brushing away the few tears that fell down my face. "I'm sorry baby. I don't want to go like this, especially right after Simon. You're going to grow up doing amazing things. I'm so proud of you, and I know I don't say it often, but I really do love you. Stay strong." I chocked back a sob. The heart monitor flat lined and I let out an ear piercing scream.

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now