He Would Want Me to Move On

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I laughed quietly. Cody has been throwing random lyrics at me, he's working on a new song. "That sounds stupid." I giggled for the millionth time, my laugh muffled by the spoon in my mouth. Because I hadn't eaten in about a week, I spent the last 6 hours eating everything I could. Now I'm emptying the last Nutella jar Rem bought for tour. "LIA WHERE IS MY NUTELLA?" Cody dropped his pen and buried his face in his hands. His laughter was muffled, but I heard it clear as day. I hide the jar behind me and put the cleanish spoon in my backpocket. Rem walked in right as I finished hiding the evidence. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He raised an eyebrow and looked at Cody. "Is he dying?" I shook my head, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Dude she ate the last Nutella jar." I whined and chucked a pillow at my traitor boyfriend. "Cody I thought we were in this together." He started to laugh again. "I'll let it slide, only because I missed that beautiful smile." I turned away from Remington, my cheeks heating up. "I'm glad you're feeling better Lia. It was so heartbreaking when you couldn't look us in the eyes without crying." I sighed and fiddled with my hands. A nervous habit I picked up on recently. "He would want to move on. Forgive, but don't forget. He was my best friend, my first love, and more importantly, my life. Moving on and living on through his memory is what he would've wanted." Rem squeezed my shoulder and left my room. "If you don't mind me asking, how long were you guys friends?" "Since we were 12. I had just moved to Kansas after my dad left us. I was heartbroken and in need of someone. Simon was there. At first he was kind and quiet, until I broke through his interior. He was so bubbly and sweet. He'd make friends with anyone. He helped me through the pain of my dad leaving, I never got to thank him for all the good he did in his life."

Cody stayed silent, I thought he had fallen asleep. When I looked up, he had this faraway look in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He nodded and looked away. "I feel bad. You've had one horrible happen after another. I've only had 2. Dan helped me through most of the first one, then you helped me through everything. I  can still see that despite your protests, you're not okay." I felt tears well up in my eyes. "I always told Simon, that one day, I would meet someone who could see past my bullshit lies. I never thought it would be this soon."

That's how I knew that I wanted to be with Cody forever. As a incoming Junior, that's surprising. You can't really blame me though. I've had nothing but heartache all my life. Every event that led up to this very moment was painful in some way. I always said that the right person for me, would be someone who knew what it felt like to be in pain. Someone who I could rely on, but someone who could also rely on me. Someone who would say 'I call bullshit' when I lied about my feelings. That someone in Cody. Right now, everything feels okay. "It'll be just you and I forever and always."

THIS IS THE END GUYS! I hope you liked the book. Some chapters were shit and I know I don't update often, but I am really proud of this book. I'm so excited that I have over 1k reads now! You guys are nuts! Thank you all for the support. Thank you all for joining me on this rollercoaster of fanfiction. There will be a book two coming out soon, let me just situate myself and work on other books before I start it. Anyway, have a good rest of the summer guys.

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