Dream Come True

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It was so weird to think of myself as a musician. I know that I'm talented, but I didn't think this would happen any time soon. "Babe you're spacing off again." I glanced up from the patch of floor I was staring at. "Sorry." Cody chuckled and kissed my forehead. In the span of like 4 months, I have had my 2 biggest dreams come true. "What can I get you?" Cody and I have spent every day for the past 4 weeks in the cafè. In boarding school we have these huge finals that shut down school for weeks. Each grade has their one week and each day is a different test. It even includes the weekend because we have 7 classes. Freshmen is next week and after that is our grade. The last two weeks we get off, then we have a big musical show/celebration, and then we're out for summer. Everyone who got a deal has this camp we go to for the first 2 and a half months of summer. It's crazy, but super exciting. "Here you go." Two cups of coffee are placed in front of us. I grabbed mine and took a sip from it, groaning in pleasure. Cody smirked and I kicked him from under the table. "I think if we make it big, you and my band should do a tour together." "That sounds cool." I looked back down at my laptop, typing an email to Mr. Iero.

"Are you ready for the final week?" Remington shook his head and the other two frowned. "Come on guys, you three got this. After that we got a whole music camp to look forward to." I nudged my oldest brother and he smiled slightly. "Lighten up a bit. We still have some time to work and I know for a fact that Mom is all up your ass'." They all snickered. "How'd you know?" "'Cause she's up mine too." We all laughed and joked with each other. I loved having siblings, especially with these boys.

"Hey baby!" Cody picked me up, kissing me. "Hey." I laughed a bit when he dropped me back onto my feet. "Guess what!" I looked at him with a questioning look. "I love you." My lips parted in surprise, we haven't said the three magic words yet. "I-I love you too." I know I mean it, love is something you just know. His smile grew wider and I felt happiness explode in my body. "Let's go on a date this weekend! Let's enjoy our last few days of freedom." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'd like that." He brought me into a hug and we stood like that for a few minutes. "Movie?" We broke apart and I climbed into our bed while Cody grabbed his laptop and joined me. "Can we have a Potter marathon?" I giggled at Cody's excitement. "Sure." He clapped, turning off the lights. It was so funny when we first got those, Cody wouldn't stop clapping. I snuggled into Cody and he clicked the first Harry Potter movie.

I groaned when a knock interrupted our marathon. "It's open!" The door opened and Frank walked in, Gerard behind him. Cody paused the movie and we both sat up. "Gee and I are going to see my parents this summer and Lia's parents said it was okay if you stayed with them until school started up again." Cody looked at me. "If they said it was okay, then it's okay. That just means you'll be stuck in between Em and I on the car ride home." Cody rolled his eyes and laughed. "Tell your parents I said hi." The two parents left room and we laid back to continue the 5th movie.

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