I'm Not Completely Broken

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"Mom, I'm fine." She sighed and I could practically picture her scowl. "Honey you can't just skip over the fact that you had an anxiety attack over Simon, it was almost 3 months ago." My mouth gaped open, "Mom how bad were you when Dad left? Don't try telling me that I need to get over Simon. That's just cruel. I have to go to class, bye." I'm sure that the whole school heard about my attack, even the younger ones. I nervously played with my sleeves, glancing at my roommate and his friends every once and awhile. Something about them intrigued me. I don't what it is, but it really gets me thinking. Why was Cody angry about everything? And why did it seem that he had some weak spots in that anger, especially when it came to me? "Earth to Lia!" I jumped and hit Dallon on the arm. "You're staring again." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the coffee in front of me. I had been staring all morning, lunch had rolled around and I decided to grace Rian's friends with my presence. Alex and Jack kept their mouths shut about the whole Simon situation. "What was your mom freaking out about?" I rolled my eyes. "She freaks out about everything. This time she freaked over my attack." I kept my eyes trained on the ring Simon had given me. It gave me a feeling of peace, like he's still here.

I sighed and reached into my bag. I pulled out my History notebook and looked over at Dallon. "Can I borrow your notes? Mr. Iero emailed me and told me to get the notes from someone in the class." He smiled softly and handed me his notebook. I opened my notebook and froze. There is a Polaroid picture of Simon and I, must've gotten stuck from yesterday.

"Simon? Can you come with me to my locker?" He nodded and got up, taking my hand in his. We walked down the hall, hand in hand, until we reached my locker. Locker number 247. I pulled out my sketchbook and closed my locker. Simon had his eyes trained on the bruise on my arm, someone had punched me. "Who did that?" "Some dick punched me. Doesn't hurt much." He pulled me into a hug and we heard a camera shutter go off. "Eric! You have to stop sneaking up on us!"

I smiled at the picture that captured one of my favorite memories. "Who's this?" Dallon had snapped me back to reality. Everyone at the table now had their eyes trained on me. "He's my uh....my friend." Alex's eyes widened and he looked like he wanted to help me. "Amelia I need your help with something." I turned and saw Cody nervously biting his lip ring. "Uh sure. I'll give this back to you later Dallon." I packed up my things and slipped the photo into my backpack. "What do you need help with?" He chuckled and stopped in front of me. "You looked like you needed someone to come to your rescue. I'm assuming someone asked about your little friend." He said it in the lowest whisper, I had to strain my ears to hear him. "Uh yeah. A picture fell out of my notebook." He rose his eyebrows in surprise and a smirked played on his lips. "Can I see?" I shook my head, knowing he was only seeing if it'd get a reaction out of me. "The only people who're to ever see them is his family, him, me and the person who took them." His smirked widened into a grin. "I'll make you show them to me Amelia."

He walked away and left me in confusion. Why was he so interested in pictures of my friend and I? I decided to go back to my room for the rest of lunch, maybe skip the rest of the day. My mom would kill me and I'd go against everything I stand for by skipping. I huffed and rubbed my forehead. "Cody Carson will be the death of me."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now