Mummy Hearts

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I stayed in the cafe longer than I should've. That Magnus guy wouldn't stop sneaking himself into my train of thoughts. "Ma'am it's getting quite late. You should get home." I nodded and started to pack my things. I left the café and swiftly walked to the campus. I felt very vulnerable in the dark and it frightened me. I walked inside the school, taking in the group of students standing by the door. They nodded in my direction and went back to their hushed conversations. I hurried back to my room, slipping the key into the lock and throwing open the door. I regretted it. There sat on Cody's bed, was the person I liked a lot, in a tongue battle with his ex-girlfriend. I turned back around and walked away, not wanting to know if they saw me.

"Amelia, shouldn't you be with Cody?" I shook my head, pushing myself into Maxx's room. Dan and Zach looked up in shock and confusion. I threw down my stuff and sat on the floor, burying my face in my hands. "Are Cody and Shay back together?" I heard some mutters. "Not that we've heard." I looked up and frowned. "So he just make outs with all his exes. Why the hell does that hurt so bad?" You're on the path to love my dear. Shit. "Did he realize that you were there when you found him?" After recounting the short story to the boys, I shook my head. I froze when there was a knock on Maxx's door. "Guys!" I knew that voice anywhere. Cody. "Go into the closet." Dan pushed me toward the closet and I quietly slipped inside. I heard something being harshly slid across the floor, my backpack. "Is Amelia in here? She didn't come back to the room." Cody sounded worried.  "We haven't seen her since she left for the library. What I want to know is why I'm hearing rumors that you're in your room snogging your ex girlfriend." I drew in a quiet breath, not sure if I wanted to hear the explanation. "Why do you want to know?" Cody now sounds offended. "So you were!" "Maybe I was. Shay came in to apologize and she just kissed me." I heard someone sigh. "You didn't push her away?" "Look, what I do with my girlfriend is none of your damn business. If you see Amelia, tell her to come back to the room." The door closed and I released the breath I had been holding. It came out shaky. "Amelia, you can come out." I laughed bitterly. "Can't I just die in here?" The closet door opened and Zach towered over me. "Come on, you can stay with Maxx, Dan and I tonight." I sighed and nodded.

When I woke up, Maxx was the only one in the room. He threw a shirt at me and went into the bathroom. The shower turned on and I knew I was safe to get dressed without him walking in. I changed out my shirt and pulled on the same pair of jeans I wore yesterday. I pulled my slightly greasy into a pony tail and grabbed Dan's discarded hoodie off the floor. I pulled my heavy backpack off the floor and pulled it onto my back. I left the room and tiredly found the cafetería. I tried to fight the sadness when I saw Cody and Shay at our table. I grabbed a coffee and found a quiet back table. I opened my laptop and checked my email. Classes had been cancelled for the day because of a prank that had injured a few teachers. I sighed in relief. I could stay in the café until after breakfast, work in the school's library all day. I would have to call my mom later and then back to Maxx's. Maxx doesn't have a roommate, and he offered me to stay with him until I felt confortable to be in my own room.

The table moved and I jumped, the café has been empty for 45 minutes. I looked up and smiled at Maxx. "I've been wondering where you've been. Cody is freaking out." I sighed and looked back to my laptop. "Where is he?" I bit my lip. "My room. Everyone is there, including Shay." "Alright, let's go. I'm sure he just wants me to meet his girlfriend."

Boy was I wrong. "Are you willing to share a room with Shay and I?" I felt a pulse of shock go through my body. "Actually, I've been quite lonely. Amelia, how about you move in with me?" Cody looked at Maxx in what looked like silent anger. "I'll move in with Maxx. Come help me pack my things." Maxx and Zach stood up and followed me to the room I had been pushed out of. Simon would've never done that to me.

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now