You're Right

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I closed my last suitcase and turned to survey the mostly empty room. "I'm going to miss seeing you for 2 weeks." Maxx and the guys are staying with Dan's parents this Christmas and I'm going up to see my hopefully new parents. "I'm going to miss you too Maxx, keep an eye on Cody and keep him out of trouble." He nodded and hugged me. "Lia! We need to leave." Emerson's voice caused Maxx to let me go. "Call me when you get off the plane, see you." He rose his hand in a small wave and I left with Emerson. We met up with Remington and Sebastian, both looking as excited as I felt. "Our taxi will be here in a minute." I smiled at the three jumpy teenagers in front of me. They had to cheer me up earlier in the week because of the Winter performance being cancelled. Dr. Way said we'd do it when we got back. Cody was perhaps the most upset out of us all. He had worked so hard and he is so bummed they cancelled it. "Lia!" Remington brought me out of my thoughts and pointed at the shuttle pulling into the school's parking lot. "That's us?" He nodded quickly and tugged me toward the shuttle. I sat down after putting my suitcase under my seat. There was just enough room in the back for the boys and I. A few more students got into the front and then we set off toward the airport. "Are you nervous?" I looked away from the window and at Emerson. "Slightly, I'm afraid your parents won't like me." "Hey, they're are your parents too, and of course they'll like you. You have nothing to be nervous about, I promise."

"Flight 214 to Toronto is now boarding! Flight 214 to Toronto is now boarding!" I stood up with the boys, grabbing my things before following closely behind them. "Tickets?" We each handed the flight attendant our plane ticket. Emerson and I are sat next to each other, me with the window seat. "How long is the flight?" "3 hours at the most, we'll be there before dinner." I nodded and looked out the window, watching people run around the plane. "Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. In case of emergencies... If anyone has any questions please ask our flight attendants." "Lia are you hungry?" I looked over at Remington, who sat in the seats across from Emerson and I. "Uh yeah, I could eat." He threw a medium sized bag of pretzels and smiled warmly. "Thanks." I sat the bag between Emerson and I. "Mom says Max just arrived and is happily eating ham." I chuckled and looked at the picture she sent to Emerson. The Husky puppy looked extremely happy to be eating something that wasn't dog food. My aunt believed that the more table scraps you fed a dog, the more wild it became. Which isn't true at all. I feed Max table scraps all the time. "I can't wait to see my baby." "Only a few hours."

"Thank you for flying with United Airlines, we hope to see you again." I stood up, stretching. I grabbed my backpack and got off the plane, waiting by Remington and Sebastian. Emerson came out a few seconds later, looking disheveled. He had fallen asleep twenty minutes into the flight. "Let's go get our luggage and find Mom." I stayed beside a tired Emerson, making sure he didn't fall behind or get swallowed by the crowd of people. We made it to the baggage claim, trying to spot our suitcases. Mine came out first and I quickly grabbed it off the conveyer belt. The boys' luggage came out one by one after that. We all made sure we had everything before we went to go look for Mom. "She said she'll have a sign with out names on it." I giggled, I thought that only happened in movies. "I see her!" We all quickly made our ways to her, shoving and apologizing to people. "MOM!" She looked up, smiling at the sight of us four, panting and looking as if we just came back from war, which fighting through the crowds is just like war. We all hurried toward her, me hanging back a bit. "My boys!" She brought the three into a hug, kissing each male on the forehead. She pulled away, her eyes catching mine. "Amelia?" I shyly smiled and took a step forward. I felt more confident with each step a took, the last step lead me right into her arms. "I told you Lia."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now