We're Basically Done

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I shuffled out of the last class for this year, a yawn escaping my mouth. Maxx put his arm around my shoulders. "I want death." He laughed and gave me a side hug. "Do you and your brothers want to come with us for a celebratory lunch?" "I'll have to ask-" I yawned again. "I'll have to ask them, but I'll gladly go if you pay." Maxx rolled his eyes and agreed. "Yay!" I opened my dorm room door, letting Maxx in before closing it behind me. "Two more weeks then we have that long summer camp." "I found what the 'summer camp' is." I cocked an eyebrow in Maxx's direction. "Do you know of the summer music tour, Warped?" I turned around quickly. "Of course! It's my dream to play Warped!" "Well they're having the people who go signed, play and work with some older and much more experienced bands." I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth. I felt way to excited for my body to handle. "We get to play Warped!" The door opened and Cody walked in. "Did you break my girlfriend?" "We get to play Warped! Cody this is our dream!" His face split into a huge smile. "How'd you find out?" "I overheard a conversation in Iero's room between him and the husband." Cody pursed his lips and I giggled. "I'm going to go find my brothers, Cody you want to come?"

I knocked on the Kropp brothers door and it opened a second later. "Hey boys! Maxx wanted to take us and his band out to lunch." Rem looked up from his phone and smiled at me. "We're down, just let Em get in decent clothes." "I wasn't going to look like a God whilst doing my final, that's wild." I giggled and shut their door. "I love my brothers so much." Cody chuckled and took my hand. "Maxx said they're waiting for us at the front." "Sweet." We started our walk to the front, waving and smiling at kids in our grade. "Amelia!" I looked to my side to see Taylor Momsen running up to us. "Is it cool if I join you guys on your lunch thing? Maxx said I could join if I was comfortable." "Come on then, Maxx'll be excited to see you." The three of us finished our walk to the front. "Hey my brothers will be here in a minute." Maxx nodded and his eyes found Taylor. "You came!" I giggled and turned to Cody. "I'm excited that we have two weeks off." He winked at me. "So am I." "Yo feisty keep ya hands off my little sister." Seb threw his arm around my shoulders and I laughed. "Too late bro."

I threw a french fry at Zach and he threw it back. "Cody I'm stealing your frosty." He pouted when I dipped a french fry in his chilled drink. "Lia why do you do this to me?" I shrugged and bit into the salty but sweet potato. "I love you." He sighed. "I love you too." "I live to have a relationship like yours." Maxx grinned at Taylor's statement. "Maxx is just as sappy." Taylor giggled and I bit into a chicken nugget. "You look so damn innocent eating a child's meal." I stuck my tongue out at Em. "Can I tell the news?" The table got quiet and I got a nod from Cody and Maxx. "So the summer camp." I got everyone's attention from there. "All it is...is Warped Tour!" That got everyone excited. I got plenty of shouts and excited looks. "We get to play and we get advice from more mature bands."

Just You and I: Book 1 (Cody Carson)✔Where stories live. Discover now