49- I'll Be Your Hero

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 49
I'll Be Your Hero

-Prussia's POV-

We all said out goodbyes and laters. Germany only needed his arm and ankle to be bandaged up with fresh bandages and Italy wanted a kiss on his finger and a bandaid from where he hit his finger on the door while opening it.

Other than that, Russia and England went to the hospital to watch after France and China. Japan, Italy, Germany, and I were all going back to our place to chill for the night.

As for _____ and the others, they went to Americas house. It was all good.

As I walked over to my car to drive the others, I accidentally stepped on something. I looked down and it was a little blue watch. It had a small crack on it but was intresting.

"That's a time machine." Japan said as he came up beside me, "Is it?" I asked.

Japan nodded, "Like this. I'll send you back somewhere since you have to encourage someone." He said with a smile. He pressed something on the watch and then looked me in the eyes, "don't mess time up and keep your thumb on the watch for five seconds when you want to come back." I nodded, "Don't worry! Someone as awesome as me couldn't possible ruin something as fabricated as time itself!"

He smile again and stepped back.

I closed my eyes to blink but when I opened them, I was somewhere black, like a void. When I closed my eyes again to blink again, I fell down on the top of the staircase of America's house.

Right! This was his party he threw for Italy. I looked down the steps and saw _____ sitting alone. I jumped down the stairs and sat beside her.

"Hallo!" I greeted her proudly.

"... hi?" She said, sounding a bit unsure.

I laughed because it was so funny how different she was in the beginning from the future.

"What are you doing here, ______? Aren't you going to go and help over there?" I asked.

She shrugged, "No one really needs me right now." She said.

I smiled, "If you want to be told to do something, I can tell you a billion things to do! Come on, we all need you. Especially soon." As soon as I realised I had stopped smiling, I smiled again and ran off the stairs.

I couldn't mess with the future more! I had to go.

"Wait- what did you mean by that?" She asked once she had realised what I had said. But it was too late, my thumb was already on the watch.





"...W..What?" She spoke confused.


- _______'s POV -

I was feeling tired myself. Canada opened the door and kindly let us both in first. Once we were in, he closed the door behind us.

"Dude, there's a spare bedroom upstairs if you want." America said to Canada. Canada nodded, "Y-Yeah. I'll take it." He responded.

We walked up the steps and I helped America to his door then walked away to the room he had given me such a long time ago.

I entered and immediately collapse on my bed. It wasn't until I was actually comfortable that I heard someone laugh at the other end of the room.

I had already turned the lights off and it was too dark to see on this moonless night.

Before I knew it, that someone leaned on the bed and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, _______, I'll be your hero."

I was frozen in fear.



You dudes and dudettes are NOT going to believe this!

There is only....


I wanted to finish book with only 50 chapters and the next chapter will be the final one! :O

But that will be released... 'SOON' :D

Until soon my dear comrades, enjoy~

;3 Don't forget to vote, comment your feelings, and follow me ! :0)

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