37- Escapee

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 37

"Oliver." Allen called, "Don't worry, I got it." He responded as he took the chains off of his hands and flashed the bobby pin. The girl had one unnoticed bobby pin in her hair. How careless of her.

"Take these chains off and we will go back in time to beat them before they can beat us!" Allen growled.

Mathew only rolled his eyes, "Idiot. If you beat them up in the past, that is EXACTLY why they will beat us up now." Allen shrugged as the chains came off. "As long as I win. They won't even know who we are, so they'll underestimate us greatly!" He smirked.

Oliver took Mathews chains off and stuck the bobby pin in the hidden pocket in the inside of his pink vest. "Then let's go." He smiled.

The three men quietly began to climb up the ladder to show themselves one last time to the enemy. Backup would arrive soon...

2p!Italy, or known as Luciano, a strong, quick minded, deadly charmer, he is famous for the secret sauce he uses on his pasta; blood. And his secret pain colour, literally; blood red.

2p!Germany or known as Lutz, is into Luciano (really), he smokes and drinks quite a bit and so he has gotten the bags underneath his eyes. He has scars over his body (like everyone else, seriously) and one that is underneath his left eye.

2p!Japan or commonly known as Kyo is still as into anime and manga as his counterpart, but he is a little more darker than that as well. He practices his martial arts and loves to fight. He, like his counterpart also stays quiet most of the time and he keeps his opinion to himself, but unlike his counterpart, Kyo stays quiet because of honour and not out of respect.

2p!Russia, or also called Nikolai, a quiet yet very deadly man. As mature as he is quoted to be, he often stalks young women and stares at their- well, you know. He doesn't say much, but he's thinking it.

And last, but not close to least, a young man whose waited quite some time to have a part in this book, well at least his 1p.

2p!Prussia, more commonly known as Gilen, he is a handsome and tall man. He is not egoistic, but we all have our moments. He speaks very little, but he does have quite a lot to say. He is violent and rarely talks to anyone, but sometimes, when he wants to talk to his brother, Lutz, he says deep and meaningful things, and Lutz always listens.


__________ finally finished reading everything. She held the red watch in her hands tightly as she needed to keep it safe so she could show England. This was the way to escape.

With the three men asleep on the couch and floor, and everyone else scattered about the house, it was very easy for Oliver, Allen, and Mathew to get out and escape. All they had to do now was contact their 'friends'.

They managed to sneak by Canada and England in the hall and so they ran into the living room. At first, they were startled by the three men on the couch, until they realised they had fallen asleep. A smirk ran across Allen's face as he walked closer to them, "I could kill them right now." He said. Mathew and Oliver paid him no attention as they moved a small vase from a desk in the living room to reveal a keyboard.

"You remember the code, right, Oliver?" Mathew asked. Oliver nodded as he began typing.

Allen snuck closer to his counterpart who had past out on the couch. Allen moved his hands around America's neck and began to choke him, until, "Hey! How did you escape?" A young voice caught his attention. He kept his grip on the American's neck.

"Let him go you assmonkey!" ______ shouted as she ran further into the room, she grabbed Allen's arms and tried her best to pull his hands away from America's neck. She managed a little. And when she shouted, she got some more attention.

England, Canada, and Japan ran in the room as quickly as they could first, the others were barley coming as well.

"We've got company, are you done?" Mathew asked Oliver. Oliver nodded as he hit the 'enter' key.

"Alright then, you've caught us!" Oliver said with a fake smile as he lifted his hands in an 'I surrender' fashion.

The 1p's began making their way to assist the situation. England and France held Allen down, as _______ tried her best to get America to wake, and Japan, Canada, China, and Italy ran to capture Oliver and Mathew again.

Then... The doors began to open.


Keep in mind that this is when they meet you, you have already met them, but yeah... Timey whimey... Stuff.

Also, I am trying to keep this as short as I can by not adding so many chapters because I really dunno when to stop, heck, if I don't stop myself now, you won't be escaping until chapter 1000! D:

So I'm trying to keep this fast pace so you stay interested. Is it working? >_>

Also! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! :D

Thank you! ^-^

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