33 - Door

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 33

Yeah, still stuck in the house as anyone can expect. It is miserable and I need something to do since everyone looks pretty busy as it is. Well, I could always try looking for any other escape or like a camera; what if they were and have been watching us all along in the event that this were a trap? Then again, that was a bit absurd since they would have sent three people down here to lose against us that easily. Unless they were already down here and they really didn't recognise us because of what happened.

I decided I may as well go down to the secret basement to interrogate them in the time being.

I opened the door to hear Allen cursing under his breath. As I reached the bottom, they all looked angry, except to Oliver who was trembling, but not out of fear.

"What the hell do you want, bit-" Allen began before I cut him off by speaking, "No, shush Allen." He frowned at my slightly before looking a bit confused, "What do you want?" Mathew asked again a bit agitated.

"Well, I want a LOT of things, but that's not the answer you wanted, is it?, 'Why am I here I'm the basement with you three?' Well, that's simpler to answer since it's very specific. So, I would answer with truth. However you did not ask that question and so, I cannot answer that question." I spoke clearly. I remained as calm as I could be in my situation, not to mention that they were a bit... 'tied up.'

Mathew rolled his eyes, but asked again, sounding more agitated this time, "Why are you here in the basement with us three?" I smirked as I made sure keep calm. "That's better." I began. I suppose that in a way I was acting a bit different, but I could easily tell why. When I'm nervous and I try to hide it, I do tend to stall and not only that, I speak a lot more complicatedly than what is nessisary, "I will answer. Under a certain condition." I finished. Mathew narrowed his eyes, "And would that be?" He asked.

The smirk on my face grew wider as I began, "I want you to tell me where we are right now and how we got here."

Oliver began laughing, we all quickly turned our attention towards him, "I know who you are now, _______, is that right?"

I kept a steady glare at him, "Hello Oliver, it's a pleasure to see you once again, we've already met, but now you are meeting me, please, the honour is all mine."

I will admit however, that when he looked back up to me, that vice and disdainful smile on his face only seemed to take away from the fact that he was already standing up. What do I do?

--- Germany's POV ---

As we continued trying to force the door open, it didn't seem to do us much justice. We could only get it to shake slightly, but that's it. Not only that, but if we got away from it or let go of it whenever we got it opened just a crack, it would slam shut again. It was just a dreadful job. Certainly there was another way out of this...

No matter, I will have to work harder to help my friends. I will make sure that nothing happens to hurt any of them. Even the allies. I sighed slightly as I looked around the room, soon, we would be free. And I will do everything in my power to save them. I turned back to the door. Russia was using the pipe he took from Nikolai yesterday to try to hold the door open, but even the pipe began to bend more and more, at this rate, it would soon crack.

I grabbed the side of the door as tightly as I could to try to pull it back, but it wouldn't even budge anymore.

After numerous more tires, even America collapsed to the ground to try to breathe normally again. It was no use. There was no escape.

"Germany!" Italy cried as he ran up to us, "She's gone! I don't know where she went!" He cried. I wipped my brow, "________?" I asked, I knew it was her since she was the only female here, but I had to be sure. "Si!" He whinned. Hearing that, America stood back up, "She's probably around here somewhere..." He said quietly.

"No! She's not in any of the rooms!" Italy cried again. America began walking away, "America..." I said. He stopped in his tracks, "Let someone else search for her, you are tired, and you really need to rest. Even Russia is tired." I tried to reason with him, but after I stopped talking, he continued walking away, "I'm not loosing anyone else."

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