4-Stay With Me!

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Four
Stay With Me!

I don't know what came over me, before today it seemed as if I didn't even know who or what these people were. It was interesting, "Hey, Ludwig." I began as I sat down in the seat beside him and Ivan, "Are you sure that we have never met before?" He took a sip of his beer that he got and shook his head, "Ich have never seen jou before. Maybe zhe others have, but vhy did jou can't to see Italy and Romano?"

I frowned slightly as I remembered them asking for me in the classroom, so I followed them only to appear here where no one seemed to know me. "Yeah, I'm guessing that Italy is going to sit with you like always, so I'll talk then." Ludwig nodded.

"Dudette!" You heard Alfred call as he ran up behind you. You turned towards him, "Hi?" You spoke slightly. "Why are you so shy now? You were like totally badass earlier." You smiled, "Alright, what do you want?" He pushed between you and Ivan, causing an evil aura around him. "Well, even though we all just met you, do you have anywhere to stay tonight?"

You looked at the ceiling then back, "I think, but I don't know if it's here..." You bit your bottom lip as Alfred asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said. I don't know if my home is here because when Italy and Romano came to get me from school, we sort of... Just appeared here." He tilted his head, "Oh, well, if you tell us where you live we can give you a lift there." You hesitated. "M-My address... Right..." He frowned a little, "You do know your home address right?" You nodded a couple times, "Of course, duh, but... I can't remember it. It's so frustrating!" You grabbed your head with your hands. "I know it but I can't seem to remember it or any one I used to know, like all my previous memories are fading away."

Ludwig looked over, "Mein Gott! Vhat did jou do to her, Alfred?" Alfred put his hand on your back, "_______, relax, it's okay!" You stopped and laughed it off. "Y-Yeah, it's okay to forget about my past..." You glared at him, "it's not like I lived my life to remember it." His eyes widened, "No, sorry that's not what I meant!" You giggled, "I know it's not, and I don't care anymore."

Ivan pushed Alfred back onto the floor, "FU-!" He shouted, Ivan's evil aura disappeared, leaving you in shock for a moment before bursting into laughter, "Okay, okay, that's great!" Alfred stood up an frowned at Ivan, "______, come on, you shouldn't stay near him. He might try to take your country over too." Ivan frowned, "Maybe if you mind your own business and worry about your health problems and society instead of getting into our business, it wouldn't matter."

You stood up, "Oh, that's what's happening, but seriously, come on you guys.." You spoke as you walked away wig your hands in your jacket pocket. America followed behind, glaring back at Russia.

As you both walked, Alfred began, "You can stay at my place you know, I mean, you are from my country too, so it would feel just like home."

You scoffed, "And what makes you think I'm from America?" He smiled ackwardly, "Well, you don't have an accent..." You smirked and copied Germany's accent, "Vell, Ich could be German." You then mocked France's accent, "Oui, or I could be from France, mon cher." He laughed, "I'll admit, that is good." You smiled, "Yeah, Thanks."

"So..." Alfred began once again, "Do you want to stay at my place today? We can play video games and watch tv all day." You smiled, "Well, I don't see why not!" You both smiled as he brought you to the table with all the other allies, except Russia who was now talking with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.

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