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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Eleven

Alfred woke up earlier than usual, he fixed his tie and put his clothes on, he didn't even think to get breakfast as he made a break towards the world conference place. He jumped into his car texting the others, "I'll be there soon." And so, he drove off. Leaving ________ home alone. Alfred had arrived earlier than expected as he entered the room.

All the members of the G8 were already there, Feliciano, Ludwig, Kiku, Arthur, Francis, Ivan, Mathew, and himself. He walked in casually and took his seat. "Glad you decided to show up." Arthur frowned. "Shut up dude, you sound like an American school teacher." Alfred growled while he sat.

Ludwig stood up to explain what he saw then discuss it, "So last night at Feliciano's party at Alfred's house, Ich think ve can all agree zhat ve saw a resemblance of Mathew on zhe stage. As much as Ich tried to remember vhat he said, Ich cannot." He sat back down leaving everyone a moment to think. Arthur stood up, "I think maybe this is some sort of joke that Alfred is taking too far now." He sat back down and Alfred shot up, "Why would I do something like that, go to a meeting at six in the freaking morning and skip breakfast?" He argued angrily. Arthur raised his eyebrows, "Y-You skipped breakfast? That's a shock. Did ________ not cook you anything?"


"You forgot her didn't you...?"

"... Possibly." Alfred gulped as he tried to focus again, "I bet she's fine though, what's the worse that could happen?" Kiku stood up quickly and looked over at Alfred, "Baka! Baka! Baka! You don't ask that in a story! Ever! Baka! You're a baka!" Alfred stared blankly at Kiku while being called an idiot repeatedly. "Sorry, did you say 'story', Kiku?" Mathew asked. Kiku turned towards him and sat back down, "No, not at all, why?" Mathew gave out a low sigh, "No reason."

"In the event that what we saw was real, who was it?" Arthur asked. Francis stood up calmly, "Okay, let me just say what I was wondering. Yeah, what are you all talking about?" Ludwig stood back up, "Jou vere at zhe party, vere jou in zhe bathroom or something because ve all saw it." Francis shook his head, "No, I was in the room with the projector, but it has a window to the room you were all in. So, I saw everything you could have seen."

"The projector room?" Alfred asked. Francis nodded and he continued, "Where did you find it?" Francis replied, "I was going to use the restroom but on my way, I tripped and bumped into the wall. To my surprise the wall moved and I was able to walk inside. So it was practically like a room inside of he walls. Then, there was a projector, but I could insert any CDs I wanted to play, so I did. I put that cd I have of you all sleeping. Then I left to the restroom." Ludwig face palmed, "So jou vere in zhe restroom zhen..." Francis nodded.

"Well since you were gone, I can explain what happened. At first the lights began flickering on and on, then we all saw Mathew on a stage, but it wasn't Mathew." Arthur began, "but I can't remember what it was that he said to us exactly." He sat back down.

Feliciano jumped up, "I do!~" Everyone looked over at him hopefully, "Si! I remember, he said, 'My name is Mathew, but I am not Mathew. Whenever you see me, say that you see me. But never confuse me with myself. I will return but not alone and not easily. Prepare!'" Ludwig's jaw dropped as his face formed a smile, "Feliciano, jou may not be so useful in zhe battlefield, but jou are amazing." Feliciano smiled. "Good. Now kiss!" Kiku called out with his camera from behind. The two blushed and turned away.

"He said he was Mathew, but that he wasn't. What does that mean?" Francis questioned. "I think it means he is a random person or maybe an unknown country that we don't know." Arthur thought aloud. "Nah, we would know if he were a new country, plus he would be like a chibi baby thing, wouldn't he? Maybe he's an isolated country that we forgot about or didn't know existed, kind of like Canada." Alfred laughed.

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