15-Italy's Attic

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Fifteen
Italy's Attic

As we had planned, I was to go investigate the next day, but how could I even think of sleeping now? I was tired but I really didn't feel it.

When I awoke, I was quick to get dressed, by the time I was finished, Alfred knocked on my door, "________, are you awake yet?" He called. "Yeah, I'm done too." I responded. I stepped outside of my room, he was already dressed, "Alright we can stop at Dunkin' Donuts or something on our way there. Oh, and Francis and Arthur will meet us there." I nodded, "Then let's not make them wait so long." I raised my arm, "Onward!"


When we arrived at Italy's house, Francis greeted us by the door, "Oui mon cher, we already checked zhe entire 'ouse and it's empty and no one else is 'ere." He lead us both inside and we headed towards the attic. It was an old ladder that lead to it, so Francis assured us he would wait below while we were to search.

"By the way, where's Arthur?" Alfred asked. Francis turned over, "Oh, 'e's up there too."

I poked my head up through the hole in the attic and saw Arthur looking through some books as if they were to give him a hint. "I'm going to be downstairs too, _________." Alfred spoke. "Alright, I'll still be here then." I responded.

First I didn't exactly realise what I got myself into by asking to look for myself. I decided to look through the desk first because I really forgot everything I had ever learnt from tv and what I should be doing. The desk to begin with was dusty and one drop of water could easily show you how much mud there was. "Any luck finding anything?" I asked as I opened and closed empty drawers. "Not exactly, but when we arrived at Budwig's house last night, there was a note taped under our plates. I took mine and Francis took his. Together, they made a photograph but there seem to be many pieces missing." I looked over at him, "Show me."


We drove back to Alfred's house after the long day. And although these people aren't really people, I couldn't understand how they weren't tired like me. I collapsed upstairs on my bed and quickly fell asleep, not really minding what the others had to say downstairs. I didn't exactly know why I was as tired as I was though.


"Alfred, I've got it. What ever this picture is meant to form, that is where we will find whatever it is we are looking for." Arthur finished taping the papers together. The answer was that all of the pieces were taped under all of the plates. Feliciano must have done that while Budwig set the table. Francis studied the finished photograph. "Well it isn't taped great. It looks like a first grader taped it all together." He mocked. Arthur frowned, "Shut up, frog, it's not like we are doing it for accuracy!"

Alfred looked at the picture carefully, "It looks like one of Ivan's toy dolls." Francis turned towards him, "You mean a matryoshka?" Alfred shrugged, "If that's what you call them."

"Maybe he is a part of this too. If so, that would explain why he didn't show up to the gathering the day everyone disappeared." Arthur concluded. Alfred narrowed his eyes, "Those 'gatherings' are called parties ya know." Arthur rolled his eyes as he walked towards the living room. "I don't know how to get my message to him, he hasn't even showed up to the world conference meetings. Not to mention the fact that he won't respond to any of my messages online." Alfred jumped over and sat on the couch, "Let's give the old guy a visit then. Tomorrow we will all meet at Francis's house then he will drive us there!"

"What? But that's absurd! I don't want to drive you all anywhere! It's a brand new car and you will both ruin it!" Francis complained, Arthur hit him on top of the head with a newspaper, "Frog, you're taking us. Now let's go, it's getting late here, stupid Americans always sleeping earlier..." He grumbled as he and Francis walked outside and got into his car.

"I'm driving this time." Arthur insisted. And so, he go into the drivers side and began driving. Then his British kicked in and he found himself driving on the left side of the road. "Is that another bloody car driving towards us?" He asked as he studied it closely. It was getting closer, "SHIT!" Arthur shouted as he quickly moved the car to the right side of the road, "I forgot we're in America!"

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