6-Whispers in the Night

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Six
Whispers in the Night

I laid down on the bed, it was soft and great. Alfred had left me alone here, so I could explore the room. It was rather large, and outside the window, I could see a giant pool that glistened in the moonlight, I grinned as I skipped around the room.

Being kidnaped was a terrifying thing, but this didn't feel terrifying.

I jumped back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, "sweet." I laughed, until I heard a knock. I looked at the door in silence for a moment, waiting for whoever knocked to knock once more... Then there was another knock, but not on the door. I sat up and looked at the window. Now unsure of what I should do, I walked quietly towards the edge of the room for my phone... Why my phone?

'Stop criminal or I'll post an embarrassing selfie of you on Instagram and hashtag it #killcrazy'

I sat against the wall and menacingly held my phone in front of my like a weapon. The knocking continued and a sense of insanity quickly filled the room. I fell on my side as I covered my ears with my hands, my nails, although short, seemed to dig into my head. As of they wanted to tear me apart and rip my ears off so this pain would disappear.

Then I froze...

I was laying down before a tall man, he had a brown suit and resembled Italy, but he wasn't him. I gulped and sat up in awe. The pain was gone and I could only hear him whispering to me loudly, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I just sat in te corner of the room, emotionless, motionless, sort of... Dead. Paying attention to him but not hearing him. His voice was clear but it was still a whisper... A loud whisper but it was so faint... I heard someone calling my name in the back round but I couldn't stop looking at this man so easily.

I blinked a few times and turned my attention to the open door. Why was it open? The man was gone and the room was still. Was I safe?

I slowly walked to the door to close it, Alfred was already asleep and he wouldn't want me making so much noise. Maybe it was just a dream, maybe I was tired. Maybe these were lies I told myself to relax.

The lights went off and I walked to the bed, collapsing on it once more and closing my eyes.

'My mind may rest but never shall the voices.'

They kept me up all night, telling me to run, to run, to run, to run, to run, to run, to run, to run, to run, to run, to hide...

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