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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Twenty - One

"Wow, I had no idea we were gone so long. We haven't even seen the light since forever, we just sit here and eat whatever the man with the pink hair brings us." Kiku stated. I nodded as I moved towards Ludwig, the handcuff was put on a pile that was stuck to the wall and I could literally move anywhere in the room, except I would have to turn back every once in a while because there was another pole that went up (sounds complicated, huh? Just think about a barrier on the pole).

"Yep, this is the second month... I think." I said as I moved back towards the ladder.

"Ciao! I got-an idea!" Feliciano laughed. "You can move around the room like that, but the bars over there are a little loose. Can you break it?" I turned and tried to wiggle my arm for it to work. It didn't easily.

I used both hands and pulled on the bar, my foot was on the wall just under it, I could almost pull it off - then it snapped.

"Got it!" I spoke happily. I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and my bangs fell down in front of my face, "Germany, ready? You're like tough so I'll free you first." He nodded and bent down as far as he could go so that I could reach the handcuffs. After shaking it a bit, he broke loose. "I've got my feet then you can got get zhe others." Germany commanded. I handed him te bobby pin and ran to he ladder. Kiku only sighed, "You could have used the bobby pin to let yourself go..." I giggled, "Yeah but then what's the fun with common sense?"

"Hey, __________, what are you doing?" Mathew asked. I managed to break the bottom part of the ladder, "well, if they come back, they're so not leaving easily!" I turned back and saw that Germany went ahead and let Kiku and Italy free. Then he helped Mathew down. "Zhat vas good thinking, but how will we get free now? And Ich broke zhe pin..."

I smiled, "Easily, now trust me and do as I say!"

--- Alfred's POV ---

So like, Arthur found the portal thing but it's weird, not a circle or oval at all. More like a square-rectangle. It's all colourful and fun looking.

"Let's go in, but everyone hold hands just in case!" Arthur commanded. I smirked, "Is that just an excuse because you want to hold my hand?" He frowned, "No, it's not an excuse. If we all don't hold hands, we can all end up in different dimensions, an it's a mess."

In the end, we held hands, but it felt only like a minute. When we woke up, it was dark. In the distance, we could hear the cries of humans, and a red light illuminated the night in the far distance. Was that... A fire?

"Dude! Their homes are on fire we have to totally save them!" I shouted as I jumped up. Ivan set his hand on my shoulder, "нет, America. We have to do what we were brought here to do. Save the others. Our time is limited, let's go." I frowned, "No, but they're burning!" Arthur frowned too, "Alfred, they aren't real, let's go."

I held my ground, "They sound pretty real to me!" Ivan and the others began to push me forward, "You know what I damn mean, let's go. Our bloody lives are at sake here." I stared back at the fires as they burned down the homes of what I thought to be millions. I took in a deep breath and turned ahead, "Okay then. Let's go be a hero to our friends. They're waiting on us." A smile formed on their faces as we walked aimlessly and away from the town.

"Don't you worry _________." I said under my breath, "I'm coming."

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