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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Twenty - Three

"Maybe we should turn back then, ya know, find another way?" I whispered. From behind us, the door to the basement opened up and Germany climbed out, followed by Japan. "Vhy are jou still here?" He asked. I moved y index finger to my lips to shush him, then pointed in the living room. Allen and Mathew might hear.

He have a nod then pointed down the hall for us to follow him, who knows? Maybe there was another door in this messed up house.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you finally beat Oliver?" Canada asked. Japan frowned slightly as he explained, "we first used the handcuffs and tied him to the bars on the wall like he did to us. Then we used his bow tie and put it in his mouth so he wouldn't scream for help while we made our way upstairs. It was easy assuming he didn't had a weapon." Canada gave an understanding nod. "Well, good job."

As we walked around, we found no better escape. The windows were painted black, so you could never see out. A sudden rush of panic went through me as we walked. "Why don't we just fight them?" Japan finally asked. Germany didn't look at any of us, "They're too strong..." Was all he said. This made me wonder, if it took te two of them together to hold Oliver down, it would be almost impossible for them to fight off Allen and Mathew. Not that I had any doubts that Italy and Canada couldn't help, but I would look bad if I asked them. Little did I know how much I underestimated everyone...

"Did you hear that?" Mathew asked from the living room. Germany warned us, he quietly told us to hide as best as we could. "Hear what?" Allen asked. They must have left the living room since their foot steps only seemed to get louder down the hall. "I don't know, I thought I heard something." Mathew yawned. They entered the kitchen, where we were hiding.

I was as far back as I could be under the table, Italy was behind me, but it seemed we weren't far back as we could be. Canada hid between a tall dead plant and the blood stained, ripped, curtains. I didn't see where the others had hid. Japan probably went back into the hall and was making a dash through the door. We could have done that if the fear of being caught hadn't taken over.

To me, it felt as if they were now mocking us. Allen grabbed a glass of water and sat down in a chair... Right beside me... I held my breath and prayed he would not move his legs foreword, for if he did, who knows what would happen to Italy and I both. Mathew leaned against the fridge as he ate something... I couldn't see much from under the table, and from my position, I could only see his waist down. So he shouldn't be able to see me... Right?

My heart then dropped... There was a loud knock at the front door...

--- France's POV ---

I'm beautiful.

Oh, and oui. So apperently, my sneaky little Canada had a basement that blended in with the wooden floor around it. It was also hidden under a large rug that covered the entire hall, so it wasn't easy to find.

Hm. It's almost like him, the house is large on the outside, yet modest in the inside, not only that, but it has secret rooms that are almost like the secrets that Canada has... How cute!

Everyone went in first, no way was I going down there, but then England told us we had to hold hands. I bet we didn't, but he commanded it. I bet he just wanted to hold our hands. That, which I have no problem with. Honhonhonhonhon~

After what seemed no longer than a second, we were somewhere else.

It felt heavier to stand up. But I managed to do it, the others, however, seemed to stand easily...

"Blimey!" England exclaimed. I turned to see what had happend, but when I did, there was another young man in the corner, he had handcuffs on his arms and legs that held him to the wall, not only that but he looked pretty, beat up.

"W-Who are you?" He asked gently. "No, wait. Answer us first and we will help you." America said. The one with the pink hair smiled wickedly, "Ah, you must be the 1p's, right?" He spoke. America took a step back and asked. "What is your name?" The pink haired one stared him directly in the eyes, "Why, I think you've heard of me indeed. My name is Oliver Kirkland, the honour is all yours."

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