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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Seventeen

Planes. They aren't that bad if you get back home alive. I walked beside Alfred... Well, he had to carry me, I was still crying about the ride.

Arthur opened the front door to Canada's house, it was a lot more modest than America's house. "Mathew? Are you here?" Arthur called out. There wasn't a response, "Great going Sherlock, what the hell gave you the idea that the 2ps would be hiding out here?" I angrily asked. He frowned and gritted his teeth as he looked back at me, "This was your idea." Alfred set me down and I raised my hands in an 'I surrender' fashion, "Damn boy, are you on a rampage or something? Why you pointing fingers at me?" He rolled his eyes and walked inside, followed by everyone.

I felt a shiver run down my back, I turned around to see if there was anything. Of course, there was nothing.

I walked inside and decided to adventure on my own, after all, the chances of me getting lost were close to impossible. I began walking down the hall and saw the stairs that lead up, they were all made of wood. On one side though, there was a door. As hard as it was to see in the matching paint on the door, it was there. I walked to it and pushed it open. It didn't have a handle. As I stepped inside, I turned to make sure the other side of the door had a handle so that I could leave - it didn't.

There was a book on a shelf so I decided to use it to hold the door open for me. I set it down and it worked. "Cool, if this were a video game, I've already solved puzzle one." I smirked to myself. I turned around and began to walk further into the room. There wasn't anything specific to look for, but there was a wet feeling in the air even though it smelt like dry fresh cut wood.

But then I bumped into something...


"Artie, dude." Alfred called out while he opened the closet doors, as if Mathew would be hiding there.. "Don't call me that asshat." Arthur scolded. "Sorry. Well, I had a question, I still didn't understand, that last time when you used your 'magic' on ____________, she seemed so relaxed and at ease. And she told you everything-" Arthur cut him off, "Please get to the point." Alfred shrugged, "She also said she was from another world, what did that mean?"

Arthur froze as he dropped a book from the shelf, "I completely forgot about that, I don't know what she meant. But I think that's why those... 2ps are after us."

"We have already gotten for casualties, five if they took her... I'm not going to loose anyone else, let's find them." Alfred insisted.


The room I was in was quite small, but it felt as if I had been walking forever. Time to turn around! Fuck! I hit a wall, so this cannot be good... There's a wall here... Dammit, I mess things up when I travel alone, have I learned nothing from my adventures? Psh, why adventures?

I decided to continue exploring then.

I walked a little further before I hit another wall, this place needs light. I felt for a door or a door knob somewhere, then I found it. As I pushed the door open, it seemed just like the hall I was in earlier in this chapter (whoops).

But something was off. I walked down the hall and heard some voices talking, well, arguing.

There was a New Yorker accent for sure, that was clear, "Fuck you and your stupid shit Mathew!" He shouted, just a little more detailed. To assume I wrote this down just a 'little' cencored, that was a pretty colourful language. "Please stop shouting! I made cupcakes you two!" Another voice cheered. It was British, this too was apparent. I decided not to go that way, even if they said Mathew, that was not safe...



Did I actually 'accidentally' find the 2ps?

Well this was just fantastic.


I try to type at least a chapter a day or a least get one started or add onto one, even if I don't exactly publish it until like, a week or so later than I thought.

I'm also reading some other stories, I'm barley on chapter 97 of Melina's adventures XD it's a pretty good book, I wanna finish because I want to start the next book after that. I haven't touched it at all, I wanna finish but I'm so tempted even if it is three chapters left!! >_<

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