43- Past and Alpha

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 43
Past and Alpha

When my vision returned, I saw the most gruesome of sights.

"A-America?" I asked, my heart seemed to have stopped beating.

I looked over at Mathew whose face seemed frozen, but the pain was clearly visible in his eyes.

I couldn't move either, I wanted to but I guess it was the rush of the moment.

America ran in, knocked me out of the way before Mathew could have hurt me, took the impact upon himself but also.. Stabbed Mathew.

America didn't seem hurt though, as Mathew collapsed onto the floor, America took a single step backwards. He didn't seem hurt at all. Not even a scratch...

"______?" He asked curiously. I stared at him wide eyed, "What happened to you?" I asked.

"What do you mean? _____? Why are you bleeding?"

"I-ugh..." I took a step back as he took a step to me, "Answer me first, how come you aren't hurt at all?" I asked.

"Oh you mean those scratches and bruises and what not?" He asked. I nodded as I grabbed my arm with my opposite hand.

"Well, that's like the America from this time period. I'm past America!" He cheered. I squinted, "What do you mean?" He smiled kindly as he reminded me, "Don't you remember when you asked me why I was keeping you up at night that first night at my house?"

I nodded slowly, "Well, yeah, Luciano was just telling me how he went into the past a few minutes ago." I stated. Past America frowned, "Yeah... I don't know who that is, but America from this time period went into the past while I was checking your room to see if there was anything wrong and he grabbed me and told me everything I needed to know about right now, like the fact that he was way too weak to continue fighting and he needed my help. So naturally I said yeah! And came here with him. Now, I'm helping for the time being!"

I frowned, "This still makes no sense because if you did get sent here from that time, you would have at least known what to expect when we first came face to face with them all." He shrugged innocently, "I don't know what happens right now, I'm just temporary." He reminded me. I looked away, "Whatever, I suppose we have more important things to take care of now. Oliver and Luciano are still out there and who knows what else."

He smirked, "Dudette! I'm so ready for this!" He cheered. I rolled my eyes, "Geez, I have not until now noticed how much we have all changed since we got here. We are so much more serious and you... You've changed too." I spoke, "I guess I really just want to be happy and safe again, this all really sucks." I frowned. Past America didn't say anything, he just nodded then slowly, he began laughing, "Dudette! Quit being so sappy, come on, we are gonna beat their asses to Kingdom come! Let's go!"

I smiled lightly and picked up Mathew's broken hockey stick. "Yeah, let's do that... But first we need to take these guys somewhere safe too."

With that said, we both began moving Russia, China, and France's bodies to the living room, to our surprise, America was there too. He was awake though and talking to someone on Canada's laptop. He didn't seem to notice us or if he did he didn't bother saying hello. Not even to his past self that he brought here.

We laid the three men on the couch, their wounds weren't so bad either so we decided to move on, leaving them in Alpha America's hands to take care of.

"Now what?" Past America asked as he turned towards me a bit shaken to see his bloody friends. "Now, to find the rest of the 2p's." I said.

--- Russia's POV ---

The girl has gotten much stronger, I'm surprised she still hasn't figured out her true intentions though since she obviously still believes those phoney papers about a soul. It can almost make me laugh, but I'm playing dead.

Almost easily, she and past America, as she has said, they both carried me along with my comrades to the living room couch. But while she was carrying me, she didn't notice how I managed to sneak the blue watch back into her pockets. While fighting, I was able to take it back from Mathew after I actually handed it to him earlier before.

It's not my fault though. I had to do it. My sisters mean a lot to me. My family means a lot to me, but I suppose I was partly blinded by the fact that if I had not handed any of them the blue watch, they wouldn't have been able to harm them. Unless of course, they were to leave.

____ and past America exited the room now in search of the enemies. I however, had to do some work of my own.

Oliver lied to me and tricked me into helping him. I suppose he was the common enemy, and Mathew actually hurt my friends, but he was dead now so there's really no need to panic over it. Still, there are others that I need to confront and things I have yet unfinished. I shall do that first before I go help to look for Oliver or anyone else.

I unbuttoned my coat and took it off, it was too dirty and covered in my blood. That is a little uncomforting.

I still had my scarf on and I had a shirt under that somehow didn't get as dirty as my coat, so it was okay to continue wearing. Before I left my coat completely alone though, I pulled a bottle out of an inner pocket. Not a glass bottle nor a plastic bottle, but a metal one that Belarus had my name embolden into. I use it quite often and fill it with my favourite vodka in case of emergencies such as this one.

As I wrapped my hand around it, I was happy and relieved to feel it was still a little cold. Not too hot, but not as cold as I prefer it to be. Oh well, it's fine. I drank half of it up and put it back in the pocket of my coat for later. For the time being though, I gently wrapped my coat around China and France so that while I was gone, they wouldn't get cold. Hopefully they wouldn't drink my coda though. Probably not...

I straightened up and looked around. America was still staring at the monitor, slowly clicking on the mouse as if he was focused completely on what was there. But I didn't really care.

I turned around and left, it was time for them to see what Russians are made of.


My grandma is coming over today so I'm off to the Airport to pick her up with my dad!

I'm going to wear my Hetalia shirt. I swear someone better say, "Hey! Hetalia!" Or I will be so sad •^•;

Agh, but I hope I can get a pop from the store or something, there's only water and juice and I'm sick of it! >0<

Anywho, adios!

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