32- Mirror

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Thirty - Two

It wasn't long until the underestimation showed what it did in the long run, Allen was down, along with Oliver.

"Whatever, it I can't beat you, I sure as hell am sure the other guys will have you begging for mercy later!" Mathew croaked as he used his now broken hockey stick to fend off Canada and Russia.

I held my hand out to America to try to help him up, "Heh, I guess I'm not as quick as I thought." He said sincerely. "Dude, I'm trying to help you up right now. Don't keep yourself down... Literally. Come on, you did great." I smiled. At last, he was able to stand, but I had to held keep him balanced, his left leg was bleeding badly. "I'll get you back home then we will patch you right up." I said hopefully. He nodded while gritting his teeth, "Let's find that way back home quickly then, I doubt that we will get home with those things." He meant the blue watch but I didn't look.

England came up beside us, "So, I think it is best that we find that portal because I don't think I will be able to force a portal to last long enough for us all to go through. And if I can, I absolutely doubt we will be going to our home." I looked around to look for the axis. "Where'd they go?" I asked.

"Oh, we are over here." China called as he and Japan exited the bathroom together. I squinted and tilted my head, "W-Wait... Did you two use that... Together?" I asked, very confused.

Japan and China stared at each other and jumped away from each other, both were shaking their heads 'no' and shouting, "No! No! No! No!"

I couldn't help but laugh now. "Alright, well everyone is down but Mathew, he's really stubborn." Russia called from behind us, "нет (no), we got him." I nodded slightly, "That's all of them." I corrected myself.

We now began walking when Japan suddenly shivered, "Oh, I forgot to say something really important!" We turned to him yet continued walking towards Germany and Italy, who were in the kitchen searching through the cabinets.
"I think that the portals are the mirrors, but to be sure we need to find a mir-" he stopped as he turned towards France, who had pulled one out of a pocket in the inside of his cloak, "I always carry one with me." He simply answered.

Japan took hold of the mirror and looked into it, although he did see himself faintly, he began, "I can also see Canada's house in the mirror, it is backwards like you would expect it to be in a mirror... It's a bit hard to explaine, but you can look for yourself." I shivered as he past the mirror back to France. "It's kind of creepy, isn't it? Like a one way mirror. They have been watching you for god knows how long, but you didn't even know they existed." I thought aloud.

"Yeah, if you say it like that it's even more creepy." America said softly. I sighed and quickly spun around, "But wait!"

They all looked at me wide eyed at my sudden outburst, "Alright, well that basement we all came in from did not have a mirror. And I came in from the bathroom, like, I just appeared there when I got here! So did we all happen to go through that portal somehow?" I asked. They all stared at me for a moment before going into a 'deep thinking mode.'

"I suppose that we may have since there we didn't just go through a mirror in the first place." England said softly. China then turned to him, "Why don't you just use magic, aru?" He asked, sounding a bit agitated. England shook his head, "It isn't strong for us all to go through and it isn't good enough to even send us to the same place. It could just sent us to another location here."

"I'm sure that finding a full length mirror won't be that hard!" I said hopefully.

"Oui! I will help the most too because I love mirrors... No wait. I love myself!" France cheered as he hugged himself and rocked from side to side.

"And I will still be able to tell to when and if we are close to the portal, I should be able to feel it better around here." England stated. Russia smiled. "And I shall keep watch." China then added, "Me too!"

"I'll lead us all!" America shouted, followed by an annoying 'hero' laugh.

"I shall be like an extension and walk close, but still look into other rooms." Germany said. Japan nodded, "Yes. Me too."

Italy looked around, just like me, everyone had already chosen the good jobs so there was nothing left for us both. We then took it upon ourselves to stand in the middle of the group.

"_______?" Italy called as we entered the living room once more. "What did Luciano mean when he said you are from another planet?" He asked, his voice a bit shooken. I pressed my lips together and looked down slightly, "Not from another planet, but somewhere else, I would tell you but I don't think I can remember anything from back then." I said. He looked away again, "Oh-ah, that's alright, I'm sure it was a-nothing bad anyways!" I gulped and mumbled quietly, "I hope so. I can't even remember anymore."

--- Russia's POV ---

America ran ahead to open the door, but it was locked. I tried the back door. But it too, was locked. "Can't you just kick the door down?" China asked from behind me with his arms crossed.

"I can try." America said as he kicked the door, probably as hard as he could because it still didn't budge. "My turn, да (yes)?" I kicked the back door as hard as I could, it only shook a little. "Okay, maybe not." I spoke.

"There aren't any real windows in here." Japan said as he joined us once more. "What's that supposed to mean?" America asked as he continued his struggle to open the front door. Japan continued, "It means that all of the 'windows' are painted on the walls, they can't be opened or cracked."

"Heh. If I didn't know any better, I would think that those doors are like the elevators to escape and right now we are underground or something. Being stalked. Hehehe... How insidious." _____ began to chuckle (I hate that word but I think it fit well in that sentence)...

Some of us turned towards her as she walked back into the kitchen. What was wrong? I smiled as I walked with Alfred to try and help, along with Germany. The others kept guard in case it was some sort of trap. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't.


Okay! Okay! This chapter was long over due and I was meaning to publish it sooner, but it wasn't finished and when I tried to get on this app, it wouldn't show that I had any stories to work on. So I kinda freaked out. Heh.

Anyways, yeah, enjoy! :D

2p vs. (Hetalia x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora