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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Twenty - Five

I stared at America, England, France, and Russia as they just stood there. "So... Why?" I cried. Nikolai and Yao walked by with their weapons in hand. "We came to rescue you dudes and dudette." America smiled cheerfully. I slightly smiled, although we might get hurt or die today, at least I will know someone cares about me.

"Would you look at tha-" Allen began, but was cut off by a loud scream of anger, "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENIG-ARU?! AGHHHH!!" And so, it just so happened that China fell out of the roof, "I WAS JUST WASHING PANDA'S BACK! WHO THE HELL BROUGHT ME HERE-ARU?" China angrily stood up and glared at the allies. "Shit. I think I forgot to stop the time worm... Fuck it." Allen frowned.

I took this more as an advantage and ran past Allen and towards the living room. "Dammit, hey, Mattie, assuming your idiot person isn't here, go get her." Mathew rolled his eyes and dragged his feet as he made his way back to the living room, "As for you." Allen sneered as he raised his nailed bat over his shoulder and walked towards America, "Time for a rematch, don't you think?"

--- Italy's POV ---

When America came out, he got everyone's attention long enough for me to sneak past them all. I ran quickly and into the living room, where Germany and Japan were quick to get to before this all happened. I felt bad about leaving everyone, but I needed to find them first.

When I entered the living room, I saw that Japan and Germany were testing some weapons. "Wha- Wow! You guys are alright!" I smiled cheerfully as I ran to them. "Italy, zhis is your time to be strong." Germany said boldly. I looked at him, "Why? You will be there to save me, won't you?" I asked. Germany looked down slightly, "You need to defend yourself today, Italy, we are all counting on you." He set his hand on my shoulder and hugged me. I stood stunned for a moment, then hugged back. "What are you going to do?" I asked.

Japan pointed past me at the door, "The rest will arrive soon. Doitsu, we have to hurry." Germany handed me two guns, "Sorry, there aren't very many good working weapons here, take one to the allies and help them. They will protect you today." I turned at the door shyly. "F-Fine, I'll be strong... But I won't die... I've lived this long, right? Plus we're cou-" Germany cut me off, "If this is anything like that horrid mansion, don't rely on the fact you are a country, now go." He commanded. I gulped and turned back around, taking one last look at him, "O-Okay... But please don't say 'goodbye' you too..."

They both smiled at me. I smiled back... But, no, why was I going to worry now? Would see them again! Real soon! Like always, I would see them again.

I then bumped into someone.

"Italy? What are you doing in here?"

It was just __________.

"Oh, I ran in here, but now Germany and Japan gave me these guns!" I handed one to _________. She looked past me to look at them, she then looked back at me and spoke gently:

"Italy... there's no one there."

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