44- My Final Words

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 44
My Final Words

"So do you really think that doing this is appropriate at such a disdainful time like this you asinine, callow-"

"Dudette, don't call me things like that, I mean, I don't completely understand but I think you're insulting me."

"Damn straight." I sneered.

He gave me a cup of soda but I passed 'GO' and collected two hundred dollars, and another hundred cause I'm a bad bitch B1 (it's a cool face... Turn your head sideways).

"But now, seriously, I'm pretty sure you get that there are murderous malign men from another dimension wandering about your brother, Canada's house and they are also preparing to kill you. Shouldn't we do somethig?" I asked again... How many times have I asked this?

"Dudette. You were so much more relaxed in the past."

"THATS BECAUSE I DIDNT SEE YOU DIE IN THE PAST JACKASS." I shouted somewhat angrily. Was America always like this??

"No, look, I even saw China and them bleeding their hearts out and stuff. Come on, I think that's enough to understand the situation. I mean, if you haven't noticed... I have been in wars before."

I facepalmed. This was really happening. Annnnnnd I might die. I feel so helpless like this is all on me. Shit. I feel like Karkat. I'm the new leader but everyone is spread out and it's a mess.

Okay. Maybe this won't go homestucky on us and maybe everyone on my team is still alive. Oh! And maybe everyone is still sane and no one is considering going on a rampage to murder everyone. Maybe. Shit. I hope I'm not jinxing this the way Armin jinxed everyone in the walls by saying something like, "Just cause the titans didn't get in before doesn't mean they can't get in today." I mean, seriously! They had it coming! Not to mention that being the main characters didn't help them as much as they hoped!

Oh no.

I'm the main character here!

I stood up and left the game alone. I grabbed Past America's hand and pulled him, "We have to go." I said sternly. For obvious reasons, I could not turn into a Titan. I mean, it might be cool, but I can't. Not now at least- oh what am I saying?

I walked up the stairs, America followed behind me, "So you know where you're going right?" He asked. "Nope!" I admired as I made it up and looked down the halls.

Two halls, the left hall and the straight wall.


America followed behind me at a respectful distance, giving him space to swing his bat in case of emergencies. It might help though, if he walked in front first though.

Being the vigilant person I am, I looked around the hall to make sure there were going to be no surprises. It didn't even take a second though, to realise there was a hole in the wall and a somewhat thick wire stretching from the inside of that wall to the inside of another wire on the other wall. Only a fool could miss this! Surely the other guys saw this and stepped over it.

We entered a room on the second floor, it had a couch and a fake chimney. Germany was on the couch holding his leg and England.... What's he talking to?

Out I no where, Oliver showed up and slapped him, shouted at him, and dissapeared. I narrowed my eyes as England rubbed his cheek and turned to Past America and I shocked.

"How... How are you clean?" He asked Past America. "I'm from the past, sup dude." He winked. England rolled his eyes and walked over to Germany who looked to be in quite some pain.

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