34 - Draft

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 24


I gasped for a breath of air.

I forgot.

He was still on his chains.

"Did I scare you, poppet?" He teased evily. I frowned and stood back tall and boldly, "Not at all, Oliver Kirkland. Sit back down!" I commanded.
How did he scare me like that? It was intimidating and horrific and yet, I felt completely safe. Why was that? And why did my head hurt the way it did now, was it because I got scared and jumped backwards, accidentally hitting my head on something?

"Fine then. You came down here for a reason though, didn't you? So talk to us." He spoke with a grin. I sat down to be face to face with them and began, "I want to know everything that you know about dimensions and time." I said.

Oliver turned towards the others a bit confused then back to me, "Why would you want to know that?" He asked.

"Know what?" I asked.

He tilted his time, "... Why do you want to know about time?"

I smiled mentally, "What would I want to know about something like that?"

He began to frown heavily, "Why do you want to know about time and it's fundentals? Is it because you're trying to interrogate me about the portal drafts we have hidden under the drawer?"

My eyes widened, this took a wrong turn but maybe he helped me unknowingly. Did he do this on purpose? "It was easy to find and we know more than half of what you have done on them. Tell me now, Oliver, how did you manage to figure that out?" He scooted backwards, "It was very hard, especially since this isn't where we hid the papers. They're hidden far away and not only that, you can't escape this place." I sat up straight, "And why not?"

He smiled at me, his smile was so vice and yet so perfectly crooked...

"You don't have the key."

I tilted my head, "What would this key look like? I'm sure I can find it."

Allen now shook his head, "Impossible, we aren't willing to help ya assholes anyway!"

Oliver twitched, "Bite your tongue if you can't help yourself!" He said.

Allen rolled his eyes and leaned back against the wall.

"Fine then. Be that way, but I hope you like waiting down here." I cooed as I began climbing the still broken ladder. Did they believe this was how they always had it? Or did they know I've broken the ladder in te far past? Time travel was confusing as it was, now that I'm living in a time traveling mess, my memory is quite damaged. Everything in my life has gone in order, and yet to everyone else, it's a complete mess.

But I suppose it all makes sense. We all are luckier to have our own memories and live with them in the fashion we had then. Complex and beautiful.

I turned around and began to climb up the ladder, "Good day, men. It's been the kindest of chats we have had." I lied.

As I reached the top, I looked around to see everyone scattered about again. I was confused as to why, but then America grabbed me and hugged me very tightly. I felt confused. But I didn't mind, it felt right and I felt safe.

"I'm glad you're safe, _______..." He croaked. And with that, he collapsed.

--- Russia's POV ---
Everyone was scattered around looking for an escape and now, even _______. I had suspected she had been in the basement, there was really no where to go, but my opinion must be remained locked inside until I am asked or until I feel I should say it. Not yet.

As I looked at the others, Germany and America, they only seemed to be carrying their heavy bodies around. Even me, we were all very tired for our efforts on the useless door.

There was a creaking sound from the hall again, and there, as I predicted, _______ came out. She stood up, but then, America practically tacked her. He hugged her for a moment, but then they both fell to the floor. Germany and I ran to them to help them up, they did look a bit... Stuck.

"Do you need help?" Germany asked as he began trying to help America up. ______ tried to help lift him up. He was still quite heavy. Not because he's fat, but because she did look very fragile to begin with. "Are you okay?" I asked as I offered ______ a hand to help her up. She nodded as she kept her eyes on the past out American. "The question is, is he fine?" He voice showed concern.

I nodded, "да (yes), he is just tired and happy to see you." I assured her. She nodded ever so slightly then began to sprint, "I'll be right back!" She shouted. I looked at her shortly before turned back to America and Germany, "Let's lay him on the couch so he could rest." Germany nodded, "Right."

And with that, we later him down and we, as well payed down on the wooden floor. We needed to relax too. Even the strongest of men fall when tired.

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