30- Childish

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Thirty

"The name is Oliver Kirkland, yes, well, to be honest, I wasn't expecting Mathew to have visitors over so I have only made enough food for us. I do apologise." He bowed slightly in front of England. "Wait, so you mean to tell us that you have no idea who we are?" England asked a bit stunned. "I am deeply sorry, if we have met, I cannot recognise you all. However..." He looked at England's face closley, "You do appear to look very familiar..." England stepped back, "It is quite rude to enter another man's personal space you know." He frowned. Oliver stepped back, "My bad."

At that moment, there was a loud crash in the kitchen, followed by an angry shout, "DAMMIT! Mathew, this is why we can't have nice things!" He shouted. I was positive that it was Allen who shouted that. Yes, it had to be.

"Well it's not my fault you patriotic asshole!" Mathew shouted back.

I turned towards Oliver who's anger was obviously showing, "Boys, boys! I told you that it is wrong to curse like that! We have guests over, so stop being so childish!" He shouted back.

Mathew and Allen walked into the hallway, Allen had his bat over his shoulder, and Mathew had his hockey stick, "What guests?" Allen sneered.

Oliver innocently pointed at us who stood our ground as bravely as we could. "H-Hello old chap!" England called out.

The two young men stared at us then looked over at each other. As Allen and Mathew walked closer to us, Allen stopped himself in front of America. He frowned as he stared into America's blue eyes then he looked up at his hair style. Was it the cowlick that would give him away? Allen didn't say anything as he turned and walked away.

Mathew, however, stopped to admire the young Canadian. "How come you look like me...?" He slowly asked. Canada shivered, "Eh? I don't think we look alike, afterall, my hair is shorter and I'm probably not as robust!" He awkwardly laughed as he prayed that Mathew would go away quicker.

"Whatever." Mathew finally said. He began to walk away, beside Allen.

As I looked over at America, I could see the anger in his eyes. I smiled. So this was the 2p's first battle, but the 1p's last and it was practically opposite depending on whose side you look at it.

In a way, this was all begging to come together like a puzzle. I smiled because I knew that America was going to be the reason for the next battle... Almost childish don't you agree? Since he lost his first battle, he too, wants a rematch. It is because of America wanting his rematch that the 2p's choose to battle us.

Well, it would always be the one who's had the most damage who ends up doing the most damage, right? So now here we are.

"Hey America..." I began with a subconscious smirk spread across my face. He didn't look at me, "What is it?" He asked. "Don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do." He let out a quiet laugh, "Am I really that obvious?" He asked.

England turned towards America a little annoyed. America looked at Allen in his eyes, "Time for rematch, don't you think?"

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