Jaguars & Gorillas (Erik Killmonger)

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"I guess you had to battle M'Baku for this."

"Yes I did."

He chuckles as you show him your room.

"I told the servants to prepare the room next door so you can stay there. I also sent them to get you some clothes. Don't need you freezing your ass off."

Erik smiles as he helps you unpack.
M'Baku enters the room and stares. Erik is being used as a pillow by you and he's snoring softly. You shiver and M'Baku grabs a fur and drapes it over you.

"Brother?" Your soft, sleepy voice said.


"Thank you."

M'Baku smiles as he nods and leaves.
You, Erik, and M'Baku walk into the palace and Erik snorts as M'Baku says that the council members are more traditional than his fur.

"More like your marriage."

M'Baku pinches your arm and you yelp.

"Erik! Protect me!"

Erik stands between you two and M'Baku chuckles as he pretends to come at you.



You two hug and jump up and down.

"Do they..."

"All the time. You would think they don't talk everyday."

You and Shuri walk ahead of the boys and M'Baku looks at Erik.

"You like her."



Erik blushes and scratches his dreads.

"Yeah...I do."

"I give you my blessing to court her."

"Thanks M'Baku. That means a lot."

They enter the throne room and take their seats.
"This is the most boring shit," Erik and Amare say in unison making M'Baku laugh.

They are eating lunch in the garden and Erik wraps an arm around your waist and kisses your temple. You smile and M'Baku smiles.

"I envy you. In love and all."

"I mean, T'Challa is single," Erik says.

M'Baku blinks.

"And he does go that way, shuri says," You say.

They sip their drink and M'Baku blushes.

"Me with the king? Hanuman is roaring with laughter."

"He sounds pretty silent to me," Erik says and you Choke on your drink as M'Baku squeezes his cheek making him laugh.
You grab M'Baku and pulls him after you. He knows not to ask because you won't tell. Erik drags T'Challa to the garden.

"Erik what—?"

"Doing you a favour cuz. You've been heart eyeing this guy all day."

T'Challa gasps and tries to pull away but Erik pulls him along. He enters the garden where M'Baku is already sitting on a blanket.

"Go get him Panther!"

Erik pushes him over before running off. T'Challa blushes as M'Baku smiles.

Several months later
Erik and T'Challa give you and M'Baku unamused looks.

"Why do we date panther tribe men?" You whispered to M'Baku.

"Because we do not love ourselves."

Erik snorts.

"I guess I gotta find a new man. M'Tala is pretty cute."

Erik glares at you.

"The new warrior?"

"Yeah with the white tribal tattoos. He seemed rather pleased I gave him his warrior necklace and not you."

"I'm not as cute."

You laugh before standing.

"Well, off to find him. Wish me—Erik!"

"Oh no you don't! I am the only one!"

You laugh as you are carried away.

"I swear you Panther men are so possessive," M'Baku murmurs against T'Challa's lips.

"Well, we do protect what we love. And just a warning, if I smell another man on you or touching you in ways I do, I will rip you and him to shreds."

M'Baku sweat-drops before kissing his (terrifying) boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Erik has you in bed and is hugging you, nuzzling your cheek.

"You wouldn't really leave me...would you?"

You look at Erik and kiss him softly.

"Never my golden jaguar. I would never leave: even if you wanted to take the throne again."

"You would rule with me?"

"If you asked nicely."

Erik laughs before kissing you again.

"I love you my silver gorilla."

You two settle down for a nap, the setting sun shinning through the windows and colouring the room gold and orange.

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